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Comment Re:Rape trigger? (Score 5, Insightful) 562

Any comment in the public sphere that can have the effect of making a rape victim "relive" the event. So basically, anything that can have the effect of reminding a rape victim they were raped is now a censorable "offense." Basically, as feminists like to USE situations to leverage their agenda, they are using this as an excuse to violate freedom of speech. Expect to see this strategy expanded and used more often as people begin to resist feminist hegemony. From Violet Blue's blog: "I found out a few hours later that I had been targeted by a feminist organization, The Ada Initiative. I learned that the woman who smiled at me while talking to the BSides SF organizer was Valerie Aurora, from the Ada Initiative. I also learned that what happened with my talk wasn’t a case where someone who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time as a survivor of sexual trauma or abuse, which is how it was presented to me. Instead, it was an organization that had planned to get my talk removed. I wonder, if I had offered to omit the section about GHB from my talk, which they did not know about, would the talk have been permitted by these people and the threat of problems for the organization lifted? "

Comment Re:When a naked Bar Rafaeli covered in honey (Score 1) 387

Bar Rafaeli should be rejected on the grounds that she is a horrible person. She avoided her military service and then agreed to do ads convincing others to join the Israeli military all while saying that. "Celebrities have different agendas." Someone like that is a despicable creature regardless of the wrapper.

Comment Re:Sexist? (Score 2) 690

Just a comment about white privilege. There is a constant argument over whether it exists. I say, PRIVILEGE exists. Perhaps whites have taken all of it but which whites? We absolutely have to get out from under this ALL or NONE mentality. Is there "white privilege" in China? Is there "white privilege" in the middle east? No, why? Because there is a whole different demographic that holds the privilege in those societies. Yes, I get annoyed when I hear white privilege being bandied about as if EVERY cracker like me has it. BUT, I get just as annoyed when I hear, "every black is..." or "every (insert demographic here) is..." I find the stereotyping on ALL SIDES to be short-sighted, disingenuous and frankly, disgusting. It GUARANTEES that as a species, human beings will NEVER get past this point.

Comment It is about the standards. (Score 2) 690

In areas where males and females compete in separate tracks, female standards are ALWAYS lower than male standards - for example sports, the military, emergency response. In areas where the two are forced onto the same field (for example - jobs, education), the standard for EVERYONE is lowered or changed to suit the weakest performer. In practice, this results in a situation akin to a male runner being forced to carry extra weight to slow him down to the female standard. Perhaps this results in a nice tidy "equality" of outcome but it surely costs the person who is hamstrung to the lower standard. This is what you see in schools. Schools have been re-engineered to a standard that fits females far better than males. The fact that we actually DRUG our male children with things like Ritalin just to get them to sit through a school day should be indicative of a serious problem. Most males sleep their way through K12 because they can ) and increasingly in university as well). Ask a world class male runner to walk a course to make it fair to the women and see how long he lasts before he drops out from disgust. In education and in the work force, males are dropping out. Success at the male pace and level is absolutely hamstrung in this society. So where does a male who can't use his natural strengths to achieve accomplishment go? To the last great male space: the couch and the XBox. Where are our males right now? On the couch with the XBox. We have even had numerous social commentaries on this VERY FACT (while of course completely sidestepping the TRUE reason). This study is a joke. All it does is identify that males are bored performing to the female standard. Big surprise.

Comment So contaminate the data. (Score 1) 136

Seems to me the only thing that makes this data valuable is the fact that the buyers assume it is pure - meaning, that they think that your browsing habits actually reflect your interests and purchasing habits. I know I've seen talk of this before but why not simply have an app that randomly runs arbitrary apps and browses arbitrary pages in order to contaminate the data? If all of Verizon's users browsing habits looked similar from using such an app and it was well known that the data was not actually representative of the user, Verizon would essentially be selling garbage. I find it unlikely advertisers would pay good money for garbage.

Comment Re:Before you think of the bad, there may be good (Score 1) 585

"any household task that can be handled by a woman could be handled by a man. " Agreed and now go and check all the articles about women who are the bread winners resenting their SAHF (stay at home fathers) because they think the men have it easy while they go out an work. And of course, the irony is COMPLETELY LOST on those bread winning women. Men can and do do any household task that a woman can up to and including BUILDING THE HOUSE. Sweety wasn't happy to even chip in the effort to do a few simple chores while the man worked and now is unwilling to support the man staying home and doing the house work because working all day is hard. And to the guys who think hey, everyone work and everyone split the chores. That fails to because, as my ex put it: you like doing those things (in reference to patching roofs, all the yard work, wiring, plumbing, appliance repair, all the car maintenance, etc) so they don't count as chores. Yup. Didn't count because I didn't complain endlessly. So what was "fair" for her was that I work a full day, do all the maintenance (as a hobby apparently) AND do half of her shit. So yeah, that seems fair and the next time I'm down in the 30 degree garage enjoying my hobby of working on HER car so that she can get to work the next day while she sits up stairs in the warm house reading a book, I'll have to try real hard to remember who the privileged gender is.

Comment Re:Turn Tables (Score 2) 585

Laughable. But it would be quite enjoyable to see all those poor down trodden women dressed in grimy overalls collecting garbage, patching roads, changing tractor trailer tires on the side of the highway, pouring concrete, building sewer systems, fixing downed power lines, defending the nation, breaking down retired ships, building roads, and all those other trivial things so many of us "privileged" males get to do. Isn't it awesome to have the privilege that we men do? I mean, even if we do tend to die years earlier than women, it's obviously because we live so much better in our lives of privilege.

Comment Re:I'm glad my daughters don't live in Iran (Score 1) 585

"Girls (and not just human ones) are naturally drawn to making things pretty, teaching, and caring for others. Boys (and not just human ones) are naturally drawn to hitting each other with things." If people want to know where dogmatic stereotyping comes from, witness the seed. Talk about idiotic.

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