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Hardware Hacking

Submission + - Neuros OSD Review

Derat writes: The Neuros OSD promises a lot — it claims to be the first open source Linux-based embedded media center and it "records video and links your PC, portables and entertainment center". Bold claims, but can it live up to them? has a two page review of the Neuros OSD from both a developer and user perspective.

Submission + - Naming Apache Geronimo JNDI

The Courts

Submission + - Jack Thompson: "I'm out to shut down Rockstar.

SyncNine writes: "Jack Thompson was recently interviewed on Nightline by Bill Weir, in which he can be heard stating that "I want to shut down Rockstar because they're run by a bunch of sociopaths and they're a one-company crime wave." Something of value to note is that Bill Weir does a solid job of not agreeing with or really responding to Thompson's comments regarding this.

It seems that Thompson's vigilante quest to destroy all violence and disrespect in video games is actually a one-man assault on Rockstar Games, specifically. As his intentions at this point are crystal clear, at some point you've got to wonder how long Rockstar will put up with this before finding a way to counter-sue for lost revenue, etc. Does anyone think he'll succeed? Is he trying to wear Rockstar down?"
The Internet

Skype, Sony Working to Offer On-Demand iTunes Rivals 43

The field of on-demand video services continues to grow. Both Sony and Skype have announced their intentions to challenge the dominance of iTunes via download services. Sony is going to be offering movie downloads via the PSP, no doubt as a partial rebuff to Microsoft's entry into the field. Meanwhile, Skype is planning to roll out a broadband television service they are calling 'the Venice Project'. Funded with the money made when Skype was sold to eBay, the beta version was apparently launched last week. From the article: "On his blog, Mr Friis said the partners had been 'quietly testing with a small circle of people' for a few months, and that they would now expand the circle. The service will offer high-quality programs through an ad-supported platform. The project aims to bring quality TV programs free to consumers who have a broadband internet connection, the spokesman said."

Google Updates AdSense Rules, Still Working on Radio 66

Photocritic writes "The practice of placing images above or next to adsense banners has been around for a while — the idea is to trick visitors into thinking that the Googe Ads are clickable image captions. Unsuspecting visitors click on the ads, and the webmasters make money. Now, Google has officially announced that the practice is no longer allowed. Meanwhile, the Marketwatch site is reporting that the company's previously discussed move into radio advertising is getting a mediocre reaction. Google, as yet, does not have enough access to airtime for the project to be profitable. The company plans on purchasing more airtime to expand the program, and is reportedly also looking to begin selling television ads as well." From the article: "Until Google can strike a deal with CBS, or some other radio giant, 'there will be no significant impact until mid-2007' on Google's bottom line, or the radio industry in general, [analyst Jordan] Rohan said in his research note. 'We believe a critical mass of advertisers is interested in testing the platform,' Rohan said, based on his interviews with his own sources. 'However, there is simply not enough radio inventory in the Google Audio system (yet) to enable buyers to run campaigns.'"

Submission + - Wiimote cracked open

An anonymous reader writes: The guys at Sparkfun just did what everybody secretly wants to do with their new electronic gadgets: voiding the warranty to take a sneek peek at their internals! Here is the link to a very explicit naked wiimote along with many usefull remarks on it's electronics -Internals

"It features an 8051 core and RAM/ROM memory featuring the HID bluetooth profile and stack. Any chance they used a flash part that we can hack instead of the masked ROM (un-changeable) version? Highly unlikely. But lemme know if someone figures out how to get into the core. The small crystal is 24MHz. They make it look so easy don't they?"

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