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Comment Re:Typical (Score 2, Interesting) 162

Maybe, but as a guy who writes DSP software for a living, I took a look at that first patent and there's nothing original or creative about it that could possibly justify a patent -- and Bose must have known that when they filed it. I bet the USPTO clerk didn't have a fucking clue about DSP and was just impressed by fancy words. "Minimizing latency" my ass.

Modern patents are completely different than what people think patents are.

They are not necessarily clever inventions or designs anymore. They are just a way of laying stake to a field or method of doing things.

As an example, people think a better mouse trap would be what you'd file a patent for. No, actually, a company would file a patent for method of eliminating rodents. This would cover all forms of mouse traps that could ever be designed.

A few years ago, I thought I could learn how things are done by reading patents in a hardware/software field. All the patents were overly general, without any useful information and filled with language that only lawyers would use. On the other hand, I couldn't really design anything without "violating" patents because all the patents were so general that it could covered most general ideas that could be used. In fact, before I had read the patents I had some designs and those designs violated patents.

Comment Re:Incomplete data (Score 1) 174

As usual, jumping to conclusions with incomplete data.

First, why analyze the percentage of computer and math degree holders who hold an IT job? Why is a mathematics degree automatically equivalent to a CS degree?

Then we get leaps like the pay gap between men and women. Most likely it's the usual thing: comparing men and women of the same age, without accounting for the fact that the women took more time off for child-rearing, worked part-time, etc.. Compensate for these things, and watch the pay gap disappear.

Why do many people with STEM degrees not work in STEM jobs? They apparently count management and education as non-STEM, even if these people are managing STEM projects or teaching STEM courses. That already accounts for the two biggest groups.

The rest of the conclusions are just as shaky. This appears to be a crappy study, deserving of no attention whatsoever...

Well, it was really surprising that people who get STEM degrees don't go on to become musicians, actors and entertainers.

I thought the Brian May, Tom Scholz and Msai Oka was pretty common. Thanks to this study I now am more informed.

The whole STEM stars was a lie!

Comment Re:Doesn't this require access to your network (Score 2) 131

Quote the article: "When the Chromecast receives the “deauth” command, it returns to its configuration mode, leaving it open for a device — in this case, the Rickmote — to configure it. At that point, the Rickmote tells the Chromecast to connect to its own WiFi network, at which point, Google’s streaming stick is effectively hacked."

Imagine Dr. Evil making air quotes: "Security."

In order to give the deauth command, you have to be in the same network as the Chromecast.

So, you can't rick roll a chromecast unless you find a way to get into the network that has the chromecast.

I can see this being a problem in offices and other places where a large number of people connect to the same wifi hotspot but this is not a problem at home.

An easier way to rick roll would be to just pull out your youtube app and then start rick roll on the chromecast. This will stop whatever it is playing before and play the rick roll video.

Comment Doesn't this require access to your network (Score 0) 131

Doesn't this first require that you can get into the chromecast's wireless network first?

If you can get on someone's wireless network, there is a lot of things you can do.

Can't this be easily solved by making the process of jumping to a different wireless router in the configuration mode more secure.

After the hacker leaves the range, then the chromecast will not connect to the original network. I don't know if the chormecast installation tool can reconnect to it and reconfigure the network it connects to.

Comment Re:"Develop" or "Instigate the development of"? (Score 2) 129

Nothing I have read about Snowden indicates that he is actually some sort of uber-hacker or capable of the type of software engineering that this proposal would entail. Is his plan just to use his name to fundraise (In bit coin, I guess. I doubt many people are stupid/brave enough to attach their name to a donation towards anything to do with this guy) and attract talent, or is he honestly going to try and release code himself, which will probably be of poor-to-average quality and expect the world to adopt it?

All that counts is that Snowden has the balls and integrity that is so lacking in the "uber-hacker" department. You can't threaten Snowden, you can't bribe him. An uber-hacker, you can buy him out or scare him.

Anyways, you don't uber-hackers to develop security software. The encryption algorithms are university research level stuff and as long as you understand the basics of it, you're fine. The rest is just writing code around it that a decent programmer should be able to handle well.

Comment Is this real or fantasy? (Score 3, Interesting) 161

I read the article and I can't tell if this is a real problem that is really affecting thousands of users and companies, or a fantasy that the author wrote up in 30 minutes after having a discussion with an old IBM engineer.

Sure, IBM has all these resource prioritization in mainframes because mainframes cost a lot of money. Nowadays, hardware is so cheap you don't have to do all that stuff.

If some young programmer undertook the challenge and created the framework, would anyone use it and test it? Will there be an actual need for something like this?

My point is that an insider information to what is really going on in the cutting edge usage of linux or just some smoke being blown around to an obligated write up.

Comment Re:No real surprise (Score 1) 710

While I don't disagree with that, this report is the wrong one to trumpet about. The asked 250 people a question that is quite ambiguous, and then monitored them for a year. I read the article earlier today on some other site, and it sounded like rubbish for those reasons and others.

They are asking a question that is heavily dependent on the number of children in the household.

Those surveyed were asked if they agreed or disagreed with the statement: “The effects of climate change are too far in the future to really worry me.”

I think the correlation here is electricity usage and children in the household.

Comment Re:An absurd "crisis"! LOL (Score 2) 128

Every minute playing chess would be better spent learning about algorithms, computer programming, or biology.

The last thing any parent or teacher should do is encourage playing chess at any serious level. It's like encouraging people to compute logarithms or trigonometric functions longhand on paper; there's some initial benefit in learning some abstract ideas, but then it's just mechanics. And the same is true for chess, and computers have established this in a dramatic way, by showing that simple but fast and deep searches with very simple heuristics can beat any human who has ever lived. A $0.50 pocket calculator can bet any human at the sine function game!

The argument made in that article that chess is somehow good for the goals of "STEM" makes me laugh out loud, but simultaneously weep that the idea was proposed with apparent sincerity...

Every minute spent training for a marathon is useless because we have cars. A $50 junker can beat the fastest marathon runner.

Why is learning about algorithms useful? For every algorithm you learn, there are at least a dozen implementation of the said algorithm.

Comment Re:NSA destroying American jobs (Score 1) 143

NSA spies on everyone to "protect" us from tyrants that would spy on everyone. Makes sense. As a bonus the NSA has also done a fantastic job trimming down American tech industry jobs. Given the rampant unrepentant Orwellian spying surely every foreign government and corporation is eager to buy American technology products now.

I was reading some books published in the 2008 and 2009. NSA was viewed as the stalwart of the security aspect of the internet, valiantly contributing to security software and keeping things organized and secure in that front.

I think NSA should have done the opposite of what they did. Instead of spying, they should have created anti-spying tools and issued alerts on spying and privacy aspects of modern technology.

Even if they created spying technology, it should have been created to prevent such spying by putting those tools out in public and letting security researchers figure out methods to solve these security and privacy problems. US software would then be seen as solid and trustworthy, and the whole world would have no problem using US software knowing that it is constantly monitored for security and privacy.

Comment Re:The Chinese market won't last forever (Score 1) 143

Non-Chinese companies (sometimes thru Foxconn) employ Chinese workers to build parts (ex: processors) and/or entire devices (ex: phones). Some of the managers in the Chinese factories are Chinese. I'd guess the repair people, who repair damaged manufacturing equipment, are Chinese.

So they learn to staff and run a factory that manufactures electronic devices. Now that they know how to do so, why do they need American companies? They will start manufacturing the parts themselves, moving in the direction of making the entire device themselves. Once they can make their own devices, the government can require that their people buy those devices, only if made by they were made by Chinese companies. For "security reasons", of course.

I suggest Tim Cook remember that the Chinese market won't last forever. Sooner or later, Chinese companies will make phones, tablets, etc., and the Chinese people will buy those devices, not Apple devices.

Anything can happen in the future. We want phones now and cheap and they can make it now. If you care so much about the future and craft it so cautiously, even the smallest of changes in technological advancements will wreck all your future plans.

Technology moves so fast and China has always been one step behind, one version behind. Doesn't mean they will ever catch up unless they invest heavily in R&D and actually catch with the big boys. By the time they learn something, it has been improved on and moved on. Sure, they can catch the low margin markets in mature technology but never in high margin technology.

On the other hand, maybe they will catch up and make competing products. Are you really scared of a little competition? On the other hand, technology will move even faster with a larger consumer base and a larger number of companies making cutting edge products.

Comment Re:scientists are deceitful shits (Score 1) 178

Well, feel free to not use any of the things developed from scientific advances. I hear that caves are comfortable year round, and herbs and grasses picked from the mountainside can make a fine salad!

Scientific advances happened long before peer review and scientific advances are happening in spite of peer review.

Peer review is just a fancy concept invented to make it look like scientific publication is blind to "politics". It is quire the opposite. Scientists are asked to volunteer their time to review peer papers without pay or compensation. The hidden compensation is that they get to push their friends and colleague's work ahead of the pack and the favor is returned.

If you check journals and publications, you will find the same group of people publishing over and over again in the same set of journals and publications. If you read through them, you can tell they are churned out papers aimed at a publication rather than some scientific advancement.

Comment We are so bad at predicting the future but still (Score 4, Insightful) 56

We are so bad at predicting the future but we still do it over and over again. We are mostly wrong and we always forget how wrong we were

Here are some of the future wearable and apple stories on slashdot from the past:

We have said some pretty crazy things and we have been saying the age of wearable for almost five years.

Comment Re:Not new (Score 1, Informative) 253

In 1999, my company offered an 18 year old summer intern a programming job. He turned us down to attend college. Spending 4 years doing calculus and reading The Count of Monte Cristo was not going to improve his earnings potential. Spending 4 years in a real office doing real programming would have improved his earnings potential.

Keep telling yourself that.

An 18 year old is not going to enjoy spending his entire day with fat middle-aged office drones. He would rather go to college, party, make friends and score with other 18 year old girls.

He can always go back to a programming job anytime he wants.

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