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User Journal

Journal Journal: Memorial Day Minibreak

It's so strange to see friends from college and even high school who I haven't seen in years. Even stranger that some of the are married or on their way, that they're professionals, that they're grown-ups. I don't feel like a grown-up. Guess I never really will-- I'll always be me. I suppose I never felt much like a child, either. It was very nice to catch up and see how people are doing. A little older, a little more money, a little balder, a little calmer-- everyone has changed in some way or another. Wonder how I look to them.

I went to one of the strangest parties it's ever been my pleasure to witness on Sunday night. http://www.a2-media.net/shinjuku --and it delivered on its promises. The hibachi was a bbq grill, but hey-- close enough, right? The sumo wrestling was never delivered, but there was a guy walking around in full ninja getup. He was pretty drunk, though, and thus not very ninjalike-- but entertaining nonetheless. He kept hacking at bushes with a dull sword and trying to throw rice balls up in the air and catch them in his mouth. And missing. One actually went over his head and, in leaning back to get it, he spilled beer down his front. Not very ninjalike at all. All in all, however, it was a great party-- tons of people, pounds of sushi, gallons of beer and saki. Dancing, no shoes.

Strangest moment of the night: A couple of very large black men in drag (they actually made really fantastic kabuki dancers) getting onstage to do some lip synching to japanese pop. And then the cops showing up.

Between the old friends in town and the party, my sleep goals were again not met any of the nights this weekend. And having fixed my stereo, of course, I get into my car-- and that stereo seems to be having trouble. No sound from the passenger-side speakers. Hopefully nothing that me and radio shack can't fix. A project for this evening.

Hours studying Spanish: 2
Pints: 9
Bowled (2 games): 210
Games of Chess: 2 (thrashed. Need practice.)
CDs burned for ex-roomate: 12
Book finished: The Blind Assassin. Another great one.
Hours on phone: 6
Tickets to symphony purchased: 2 (Ytzak Perlman is my hero)
Hours babysitting for adorable 4-year-old: 3. Haven't babysat since high school. Easiest $25 I've ever earned.
Average hours sleep/night: 4
User Journal

Journal Journal: Today 2

Hours of work done in office: 5
Hours spent studying Spanish: 2.5
Hours spent fixing stereo in lieu of paying some sweaty dude $97.50: 1.25
Games of Go played: 3 (victories: 3)
Games of TextTwist played: Dunno. Too many. Damn game is addictive.
Book finished: Love in the Time of Cholera. Good read.

Change my oil (make the neon happy) before it gets dark.
BBQ with friends and neighbors.
Attempt to begin Don Quijote de la Mancha in Spanish with only a pocket dictionary to aid me.
...or play a game of raquetball. We'll see which one seems appealing after dinner.
Find something to wear to a wedding tomorrow.
Play with my atari for at least a half hour. I can hear it calling me.
Get more than 6 hours of sleep. Though this has been an unmet goal every night of the last 15.
User Journal

Journal Journal: And So It Begins. 5

After much deliberation, I've decided that I am turning down Harvard's generous offer and getting my PhD in Pittsburgh. My friends and family won't let me live it down, but hey-- I'll get a better education and do more useful research. I never wanted to be the president of a university, anyhow. Now, to find an apartment in Pittsburgh!

On another note, I wonder what it will be like, to ramble into the void. I started posting on /. a few years ago, but have had less and less to say to the hordes of trolls for the past year or two. It will certainly be interesting to be the one initiating conversation.

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