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Comment Actually sounds good to me (Score 1) 2115

The top tax rate on personal income has never been lower, anytime in the past 50 years. Furthermore it was deliberately set lower than necessary to fund current spending levels, back in 2001. So raising it is only a sensible move. You would think from the outcry against it that it was some radical move to kill off rich people, but it is neither radical nor would it cause a catastrophe. It will not by itself greatly alter the distribution of wealth. But it will start getting us closer to having tax revenue actually fund what the government spends. (I do not think just cutting government spending is a reasonable alternative - although that can be done too - it was a combination of spending and poor tax policy that got us into this, and fixing both those things is a reasonable way to get us out of deficit).

Comment Re:reinforces my belief... (Score 1) 182

Digital photography differs from film photography and one of the differences is that some adjustments that you used to do in the camera are now commonly done in the computer. White balance is one, so to some extent is exposure. Large sensors can also give you the ability to crop the image if that's desirable. I don't regard this as manipulation of the image in a bad sense of the term. Not that you can't spend the time to do it all in the camera at the moment, but why do you think everyone should do this, all this time? (I'm not a pro but a reasonably competent amateur with a couple of decades of photography experience).

Comment Re:Solving this problem (Score 1) 898

People with Asberger's and more generally autistic spectrum disorders may "just not get" the effect their actions have on others. They don't read social cues or understand/accept feedback very well. And they can have a tendency to break social rules (or even laws) that other people respect - they either don't see the boundary they are crossing, or (at least temporarily) don't care. The solution though is not to "hurt him back." You can to some extent teach someone to understand people better, recognize and follow social rules better, regulate their own emotions better. That is part of treatment. Most people learn this fairly easily and at a young age but Asberger's makes it much harder. That is not an excuse for behavior that breaks laws. But it is a mitigating factor.

Comment Re: competition (Score 1) 694

There are several solar technologies and you can lose by betting on the wrong one, which it appears was a factor here. A lot of companies with advanced technology have low profit margins (or no profits). The tech may be good, but it doesn't guarantee you a profit when others can sell an equivalent at a better price/performance ratio.

Solar companies have also been affected by the withdrawal of subsidies for installation of solar, especially in Europe. If your business model is based on assuming a level of subsidy on the consumption side, you are in trouble if that changes.

Comment Re: B&H (Score 1) 543

B&H is the bomb. It is the newegg equivalent for camera gear: they have practically everything, ship fast, competitive prices, no hassles. But generally they don't offer any warranty except what the manufacturer provides. And for some equipment that is rather limited (for Canon it is 1 year). Not a problem for me but YMMV.

Comment Re:It doesn't really solve the problem ... (Score 2) 214

US military and diplomats already use secure networks so it's not completely infeasible.

But for commercial transactions there are some issues. It is hard to require a separate machine for secure access so privilege escalation (insecure->secure) is an issue. Plus if you store the credentials you need to access the secure internet on the machine that is doing the access, then all you know for sure is that the machine initiated a transaction, not that a specific individual did. In particular, a hacked box allows impersonation of the user. If you require some kind of token to be plugged in, PIN to be entered, etc. then you have more security, but it becomes difficult to do automated transactions, which are very common and useful.

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