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Comment Re:no dimocrats (Score 1) 551

You know, danbert8, you would come across as far less ignorant if you googled first. FYI, that link leads you to information about federal taxes that go to schools. And you don't know that the INTERSTATE highway system was built by the federal government under Eisenhower, and that all the states get federal money for roads and highways?

Comments like yours is why I've spent a lot less time at slashdot lately. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Comment Re:S/N? (Score 1) 3

Actually, that's a deliberate pun that makes a statement about the vast hordes of non-nerds that have invaded /. in the last few years. So just as Slashdot is /., Soylent News is S/N.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Semiliterate professional writers 7

This story on Slashgear about net neutrality showed up in Google News this morning. I was appalled.

Not at the story, so far I've only read the first sentence. "Today, President Obama sided with you and I."

User Journal

Journal Journal: Wierd... 3

Before S/N opened, I spent a lot of time commenting at /. Any more, I check messages and read little of /., partly because stories have been showing up at S/N before /. and partly because there are so many more short bus riders at /. Oh, and slashdot's "stupid quotes" annoy the hell out of me.

I hadn't had mod points at /. for years, despite being at karma cap.

Comment Re:Without the stupid smart quotes .... (Score 1) 33

It's their problem, I'll just link to S/N when I have an entry that might be in a book until they fix it. I'm not going to take extra effort because of someone else's lack of competence.

The problem you or I can't fix is quoting a newspaper in a comment, seeing it's fine in preview, and having /.'s garbage generator shit on it; you can't edit a comment.

Comment Re:Without the stupid smart quotes .... (Score 1) 33

Yes, if I enjoyed murder mysteries. It was well written, far better than that best-selling hack James Patterson. Stephen King is a great writer, but I've read few of his books because I'm no fan of dark fiction. I did enjoy The Green Mile, though.

Since you're looking to turn writing into a career, you did in fact choose the best genre. I don't care for them, but murder mysteries sell like crazy.

Comment Re:Without the stupid smart quotes .... (Score 1) 33

I compose in Open Office. Since what I write will probably wind up in a book, unicode is necessary and removing it is a hassle we should not have to put up with.

What's most maddening is that when previewing a journal or comment, slashdot's garbage generator doesn't shit all over it until you hit "submit". There's simply no excuse for it. Soylent News uses slashdot's code, and they had it fixed within a month or two of opening.

This should be especially embarrassing for what's supposed to be a tech site.

Comment Damn it, slashdot... FIX YOUR CODE! (Score 1) 4

It looked like they had fixed it when I previewed. Why in the hell do smart characters work in preview but not posted? What's the point of previewing when slashdot's retarded code will fuck it up anyway?

For a version that hasn't had slashdot's garbage generator shit all over it, go here.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Grommler 4

This story takes place in a bar on Mars over a century later than "Mars, Ho!". Kudos to slashdot for finally fixing its handling of smart characters.
“Joe? Is that you? You're still tending bar? I thought you'd be retired. How you doin', you old rascal?”
Joe frowned. “Sorry, son, I must be getting old, do I know you? And can I get you a drink?”
“It's Dave, man.

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