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Comment Re:Stop isolating games for their interactivity... (Score 1) 518

Last House on the Left is a remake of Wes Cravens "Last House on the Left" from the 70s, there also has been many many "torture porn" style movies from the 60's to the 70s, I spit on your grave, Cannibal Ferox there is tons of examples of these films long before turds like SAW and HOSTEL hit the scene.

As for EW comments, http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19/

On "Bully" , Have you played it? Or are you just bringing it up because of the controversy that was generated by other people who have never played it and villified it because of the name and because of its creator Rockstar Games?

lastly "Tales of the Black Freighter" never existed, it was created for the Watchmen, while there was comics back in the day that were gruesome ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comics_Code_Authority) you should probably reference material that existed during that time.

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