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Comment Re:Standardisation (Score 1) 233

I think you have missed the possibilities of a PC and where console games are born.

a PC can do everything from run a nuclear power plant (Siemens Simatic) to be a code platform (Visual Studio), be an office suite, (Microsoft office), and thats not starting to be a web/file server. A PC is industry standard and can be reparied and upgraded from any vendor in the world.

a PS3. it only does everything!*...

*where everything is play PS3 games, and nothing else. cant even open a text file.

In 20 years time, your PS3 will be in a landfill, and the then donated i7 will be in africa, helping someone.

Comment Re:Multiple logins and players on a single account (Score 1) 233

erm... first off, thats not permitted anyway is it? multiple users to an account and all that?

"You may not reveal, share or otherwise allow others to use your password or Account. " - Steam SSA

of course they want a single game licence to be to one person. its a business, not a charity!

Comment Re:really valve? (Score 0) 233

not to appear cynical, but nowadays I think that if a person cant turn a PC on, install an OS, install a game, etc, then I dont want to play with them because they will probably be slow and boring to play with. I dont want the window lickers in my tatical / stratagy / fps / *insert game here*

yes that does sound elitist. PC gaming master race, etc.

Comment really valve? (Score 1) 233

a "steam console" with PC hardware, with what i can only assume with x86 hardware with a USB port in the frount and a HDMI port on the end...

just like a PC? that I can buy from anywhere? except with a steam sticker? will it run Windows 7? whats the point

I assume they wiill use the bulk-cost savings of PC parts to bring the price down, but the entire point of having a PC over a console is that it can do other things other than games dedicated by the manufacturer. perhaps it is just a PC, perhaps its locked down.

I'm still not buying one, a PS4 or a xbox3 or that phantom console that hardocp called out.

Ive learned the hard way the only way to play a game is on a PC. and PC only.

Comment Re:Well that and... (Score 1) 343

I dont think toyota is going to release 3d models of components and assemblies of their cars from the 80s/90s I would REALLY like them to.. its a nice thought, but its not going to happen. unless someone gets a car, takes it apart, turn all components into 3d models and assemblies, and sends those CAD files away to be made by a CNC company.

Comment Re:Well that and... (Score 3, Informative) 343

get CAD file.

send CAD file to CNC company instead of 3d printer $$$$$ for 4 cylinder engine block


people hail these 3D printers as something new. CNC lathes and milling machines have been doing this for decades. its just the materal is diffrent. you DO know you can send a cad/3d model to a company and they will make parts for you out of plastic/stainless/titanium, without inventing the words "3d printer"

Comment Re:Nice from a tech point of view, *BUT*... (Score 0) 226

I think the only problem we have is with petrol prices being too high due to supply reducing as time goes on. if a replacement fuel is avaliable, with near infinate supply, then thats great!

I, personaly dont care about "global warming/climate change and the topic of greenhouse gases". if England gets as warm as the south of France, and the 10mm "rising sea levels" are offset by using seawater as a fuel, then I call that a 100% success.

V8, not G8.

Comment well duh... (Score 1) 110

well what do you expect? these devices use microcontrollers and are limited by size of memory in the chips. its not allways possible to secure to the Nth degree, so one must analyse the risk of the hardware provided. dont connect them to a public network. at most. connect the ethernet to a windows PC that can recive emails, but is not connected to the company LAN.

PLC hardware must remain hardware modules from 20 years ago, so its no good putting in the latest and gratest microcontroller in every year, if it breaks compatabilty for that RS232 card the company made 20 years ago.

in other news, dont send unterminated strings over TCP ethernet, i.e. without carriage return, to a toshiba robot. It will crash the controller in the robot and stop the process.

in further news, dont fill up your gas tank with water, dont hit your spouse and dont drive on your sidewalk.

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