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Comment Re:What lessons are the video games teaching? (Score 1) 1262

Most people don't play video games to learn lessons - they play for entertainment. In many cases, that entertainment takes the form of an empowerment fantasy - Be the muscle bound hero, deliver justice, save the day, get the girl (/guy), be adored and admired by the masses etc, etc. So long as those involved realise the difference between this and reality there is generally not a problem - aside from when some take the empowerment fantasy onto the internet and threaten strangers lives, or when others complain that the empowerment fantasies of others make them feel isolated. Both sides need to get over themselves. Threatening the lives of others is not acceptable. Conversely, not every piece of entertainment out there is going to be focused on you. Get over it.

Comment Re: There's no money. (Score 1) 112

There will always be scarcity - even in a star trek like fairyland where they say there is "no money". Ask any geek whether they would like the job of being captain of the enterprise, and they will probably say "Hell Yeah!!!" (What's not to like? - Bang alien chicks, be involved in something important, and have amazing adventures!) However, it ignores the important realities, such as "Who cleans the toilets on the enterprise?". Ask who wants that job, and you will get a lot less enthusiasm. Even without monetary scarcity, there will always be haves and have nots. For one person to be a Captain Kirk, hundreds of others have to be an Ensign Ricky.

Comment Re:Fast-paced chess on steroids (Score 1) 124

I am not a high level chess or Starcraft player, but it has always been my impression that due to the fact that it is turn based, chess tends to be quite single threaded - You analyse the available moves, form a strategy, and updating your strategy as the situation requires. Starcraft is more like trying to keep multiple threads of execution in your head concurrently - no single one of them is overly complex, but the player who can more effectively multi task is usually the winner.

Both require adaptation to changing circumstances.
Both have a psychological aspect.

I should get back into playing both...

Comment Re:This is a very hard problem (Score 1) 558

But how many such questions could you create? In your example, it would be trivial to look for strings starting with "What color" and then search for known color strings in the rest of the text - Add that to the rules of your spam bot and hey presto - no such question will stop them anymore.

So you think up a new question, and the spammers break that just as easily. And a new one with the same result. And so on, and so on.

The only way this could possibly work is if few enough people are doing it so that the spammers don't expend effort on cracking your system - It is security through obscurity. If you are trying to create a general purpose anti spammer mechanism that can be widely used, then captchas although not perfect are the best current solution to a nasty problem.

Comment Re:Not just console (Score 1) 157

No offense, but your use case seems more of a problem for the browser vendors than web page vendors to me. The browser on my phone seems to unload background tabs so that the page reloads when I view it if the total memory usage exceeds a certain point - This seems like a good strategy to me (tabs stay open, resources are diverted towards what I am actually using).

Expecting a web page creator to write for the situation where there are 1/200th of the resources available seems a tad absurd to me.

Disclaimer : I work with web based GIS applications which can consume a lot of memory / bandwidth / runtime if not optimised correctly, [and can still do so even if they are!]

Comment Re:When you ride at night, (Score 1) 413

As I cyclist, I can tell you that when riding at night, wearing white is not enough. Wear dark clothes, and you are invisible. Wear white clothes or a florescent top, and you are invisible under orange sodium lamps. Your best bet is reflectors (included with most hi visibility cycling clothing) which will make you glow like a beacon under direct headlights, florescent coloured fabrics (Which make you stand out when there is any ambient light), and strong working lights (Make sure to check/replace your batteries regularly) for when it is dark and you are not directly in the beam of a headlight. Source: Years cycling home in heavy traffic after dark and still alive!

Comment Re:Given the UN's track record in Africa... (Score 1) 240

Seems to me that you are saying - "The problems of the middle East are all down to the dirty Westerners and their interference." Do you really believe that? The middle East has valuable resources (The Suez Canal and Oil to name a few.). Where there are valuable resources, it is human nature to try to control and benefit from them.
If it wasn't the Americans, it would be the British. If it wasn't the British, it would be the French. If not the French, then the Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Germans, etc, etc, etc.
And this does not even include the ability of the people in the area to be massive dicks to each other - something they have more than demonstrated both the ability and inclination to do.
With the culture of certain elements in the area, the level of entrenched hatred, and the prizes up for grabs, I suspect there would be violence even if it had been left alone for the past few centuries. (With the main difference being that had they been left alone for that long, some power would probably have risen to the top and would be extending their influence over the rest of the world rather than the other way around.) All in all, the area might look different, but the world would probably look remarkably similar...

Comment Re:So the correct action is... (Score 3, Insightful) 601

The poachers MAY kill the rhino out of spite, but they may not - If they do, they needlessly jeopardise their future revenue stream - Maybe the hornless rhino will have offspring that have horns which they can kill - Would they cut off their noses to spite their faces? Who knows. Another benefit is that they don't get paid. Sure, they MAY kill the current one, but maybe some of them don't go hunting rhino next time, as there is no profit in it. Despite the fact that people are jerks, Cutting the horns still may make sense - More data is required.

Comment Re:Enough with the toy languages like C & C++ (Score 1) 72

This is being done every day (I have worked with GIS applications with that level of complexity, and many of the in browser games have that level of complexity too.). Granted, the environment has its flaws, but for the most part performance is good enough (it could be better - especially on older versions of IE.), and you generally have nowhere near the same amount of deployment problems as with C++ application or java applet. As always, choose the right tool for the right job - If you are part of a team creating a AAA title where you need cutting edge graphics an performance - then javascript is probably not what you should be using for your games engine. But with the right tools and discipline it can be used to very rapidly create UIs and logic for systems where this is not the primary concern

Comment Could you use the Wayback Machine? (Score 1) 480

Could you use the wayback machine to show that the original version of the site was in fact written by you? You could even diff new files against old ones to show that the new author simply stole credit for your work. It seems odd to pull you in for an interview only to spring that on you - most companies would not let you in the door. On a further note - could the site have been through a major rewrite? Maybe the code in question is not actually yours.

Comment Re:More ridiculous sensationalism (Score 1) 185

None that I have ever been on seem to have this - the bus service where I live always felt dirty, crowded, and smell like wet dog when it rains. I would imagine the experience in most large cities is similar - HEPA filters wont help you if there is an infected person wedged up against you breathing on you.

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