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Comment Public Relations (Score 1) 180

This is how a government, relates to, and coerces it's people into buying more security. The truth is they are all at it - hacking, lying, cheating, disinformation.
Take what happened in Woolwhich for example: the Mi5 were following one of those crims for a long time; they even offered to recruit him as a mole. Then it all kicked off yet they didn't pre-emptively act. The natural reaction? "We are not safe - TAKE MY MONEY". Same old tired story yet everyone is perpetually caught in a wave of emotion.

Now, and for a long time passed, we have had our respective agencies telling us that the internet is SO bad that they drastic measures need to be taken. Things like long term logging, domain blocking, backdoors in software, master keys, massive data mining operations, Google.. who want to know where you've been, what you look like, what your WiFi passwords are, who your contacts are, what you search for on the internet, and a lot more.. all uploaded to the cloud - then step in CISPA and private data sharing. Now they are telling us that they want unequivocal powers to hack anyone they want - anyone deemed a 'criminal':

"If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who use the words" -- Philip K. Dick

So what.. if your network got hacked? You shouldn't have left it deliberately open. In fact it was probably one of your own who done the business.. deliberately.. as planned..

We all know we are lied to, not just on a daily basis, but about everything - yet the majority eat it up like a fat kid who hoovers up KFC.

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