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Comment They'd Sell to Other Countries (Score 5, Insightful) 467

This post and a lot of comments make it seem like the oil produced would stay in our country and only used by us. Yea right, it would be sold to the highest bidder on the market, which will probably be China in a couple of years. Meanwhile our country is turned into a wasteland from this and fracking.

Making a Slashdot Omelet 101

It's been said that the mix of stories on Slashdot is like an omelet: linux and tech, mixed with science and Legos, and a few reviews and sci-fi folded in. It's not just the stories that are a good mix, however, it's the people behind them. Through the past 15 years, an unusual cast of characters have been responsible for keeping the site up and running and bringing you the stories you want to read. We've asked a number of them to write a few words about their time working here and to share a few memories. Below you'll find that some of our former employees don't know what "a few words" means, and a collection of what bringing you news for the past 15 years has been like.

Comment Malazan Book of the Fallen (Score 0) 700

I was looking to get into an epic fantasy, and I got a lot more than I asked for. Malazan is huge, and it touches on so many aspects of human nature. The series can be seen as a debate about everything, from poverty, to war, to politics... So much is touched by that book. It really gives a different viewpoint on what is really good and what is really evil. It's also jammed pack with action and intrigue. I personally hated GM's Song of Fire and Ice series (especially after book 3), and I found Malazan to be exactly what I wanted out of a fantasy epic.

$1 Billion Mission To Reach the Earth's Mantle 267

black6host writes "Humans have reached the moon and are planning to return samples from Mars, but when it comes to exploring the land deep beneath our feet, we have only scratched the surface of our planet. This may be about to change with a $1 billion mission to drill 6 km (3.7 miles) beneath the seafloor to reach the Earth's mantle — a 3000 km-thick layer of slowly deforming rock between the crust and the core which makes up the majority of our planet — and bring back the first ever fresh samples."

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