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Comment Re:NASA needs SpaceX. SpaceX doesn't need NASA. (Score 1) 292

Actually, your original post about the skyhook made me think about a space station named the "Hans Moravec" I read about in a scifi book. When I was just looking up information to reference it, it turns out they are exactly the same technology, made by Moravec himself.
I think the title of the book is "The Crimson Blood", it is primarily about nanotechnology.

Comment Re:Brake Pedal (Score 1) 262

It is equally both. The drivers want better mileage, so they accelerate slowly, if they are on an on-ramp and are required to accelerate quickly, they cannot because the hardware does not allow for that.
I recall the first time I drove a Prius on a highway, it took about twice the distance to get up to highway speed relative to what I was used to, and the accelerator was at 100% for the entire distance.

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