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Comment Re:Should be (Score 1) 572

I don't think there are centuries of relevant court rulings. At least not ones that come down on the side of the subscriber. If there were then these terms wouldn't be in the contract.

Read the Terms and practically every other sentence says "We reserve the right not to deliver any service of any kind, change your plan and terms at any time for any reason, or terminate you for even using your service in any way we don't like as strictly decided by us."

Heck, they say outright that service is entirely at their whim: "The purchase of an iPhone does not guarantee service." That seems like a 100% escape clause.

Comment Re:The only problem... is PEBKAC? (Score 1) 727

How do you know I'm not a woman? Oh, right, this is /. ;)

I think you can chose from a settings menu to let Thunderbird use the built-in Gnome file selector. Don't quote me on that.

Have you tried F-Spot or DigiKam? DigiKam is pretty slick, and I understand F-Spot is even sharper.

Dolphin feels clunky to me. I find myself running screaming back to konquerer --profile filemanagement when I'm using KDE.

Comment Re:The only problem... is PEBKAC? (Score 1) 727

What do you mean by no thumbnail view "in gnome"? That's like saying no thumbnail view "in windows". You must have been in some application in windows to be able to do that.

I just tried it in Nautilus (Gnome file manager), which defaults to thumbnail view. To bring Nautilus up, I clicked Home Folder under the Places menu. Nautilus allowed me to select two pictures, right-click on them, and select to send them by email in the resulting pop-up. Up came an Evolution compose window with the pictures attached and ready to send. Cake.

I didn't see any option for sending a resized version, but is that alone really what makes her vehemently against "Linux"?

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