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Comment Security protects the user too (Score 2, Insightful) 220

The things they're complaining about are certainly restrictions on freedom... but they directly address security concerns and protect the user at the same time. It's a walled garden - good and bad. Why can't they simply write a web app for this instead, and stop their complaining?

There's a reason that Apple's devices are smooth, reliable, and stable... and you just can't have that when you live in the Wild West of completely open software. Yes, it means putting some trust in a company to get there, but I don't see that as any worse than the alternatives.

So EFF - I have made large donations to you in the past, but pick your battles and stop wasting my time and money on the bad fights.

Comment Re:I like... (Score 1) 643

I agree 100% - even today, recordings from cop cars only see to be available when it's in the police's interest, and are destroyed or not working otherwise.

The best solution I heard was in the book Lockstep - where police were actually remote controlled robots. One robot was always controlled by an independent 3rd party operator, a civilian. That would ensure accountability and fairness.

Comment Economic destruction (Score 1) 206

The NSA has not only undermined our trust in the government (well... that's assuming there was any to begin with), but it's also wreaking huge devastation on our economy. How many US-based companies have lost huge amounts of foreign business due to these revelations?

It's NOT Snowden's fault for revealing these actions. It's the US Government's fault for having their fingers in every conceivable cookie jar in the world, and forcing US-based companies to assist them with it (willingly, unwillingly, and even unknowingly).

Comment "Gun Jammers" are the problem (Score 3, Interesting) 1374

So what if all the privately-held weapons in the USA were of this type? do you think that someone (... some 3-letter acronym, maybe... ahem) might design a gun jamming system? What good is the right to bear arms if someone else can simply shut them off on you? Sorry, no go - at least from a mandated-use standpoint. Sure, I can see it being nice for some people who CHOOSE to use it, but not if it's mandated by law.

Comment Re:The taxpayers are not Apples sugardaddy (Score 1) 288

No, I'm not arguing that Apple shouldn't be paying more taxes. Not just Apple, but many large, profitable companies that don't pay much or any tax should pay more.

However, the problem is NOT WITH APPLE. It's with the laws that let them do this. Fix the damn laws, don't blame the companies that use the current laws to ensure they do THEIR job properly (i.e. make money).

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