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Comment I would ask a potential employee for this... (Score 4, Interesting) 363

And if they actually agreed, I wouldn't hire them (and I wouldn't actually let them give it to me). If they can be so easily coerced into sharing confidential information and giving up their rights, they don't have the backbone I expect in my employees.

Now, in my job people are given significant authority and responsibility that needs to be safeguarded, so that's a real concern. In other jobs maybe that's not a criteria for hiring decisions.


Comment And you're celebrating this??? (Score 1) 70

I don't know how many of you actually remember talking on a TRUE analog phone line, but the experience vs. a digital or VOIP line is amazingly different. Besides the hollow sound of most digital lines (i.e. just about everything today), the biggest issue I have is the frustrating quality of duplex! On most lines it's almost impossible to speak and listen at the same time. On an old analog line that was no problem at all. I find that single issue makes phone conversations a pain in the ass - you can't interject, agree with a "yeah" without interrupting, etc.

If you add to that the delay that's present on most digital calls, even when local, it makes the phone a crappy form of communication.

I lament the old analog line for true phone conversations.

Am I alone in this - at least amongst those of us that actually have experienced true analog (end to end) phone service?


Comment Cell phone use on planes (Score 1) 336

The moment I have to sit and listen to the guy next to / behind / in front / etc. of me talk all flight long on his cell phone is the moment I stop flying. Cell phone usage should still be banned unless people can fully embrace the Japanese culture around public phone usage (i.e. go hide somewhere people can't hear you, and then still whisper and cover the phone).


Comment Re:Slightly exaggerated I feel (Score 4, Informative) 202

And there are known workarounds if you need more power on the onboard USB ports - so you can drive your WiFi adapter without a powered hub.

I've soldered 1-ohm resistors over top of the USB polyfuses. This bypasses the very low current limit on those ports, but they still can't draw more than the main polyfuse will allow (700mA, vs. 140mA on the USB's).

Using a 1-ohm resistor helps prevent current being drawn too low when you hot-plug a USB device. That could cause the Pi to reboot.


Comment I would have to start with "Why?" (Score 3, Informative) 780

I have the new Retina MBP... and it's a fantastic machine. But WHY would you buy it just to install Linux on it anyway? It's a very expensive computer for that - you can get other laptops with similar specs (other than the display, yes) for a lot less. In almost all cases I'd suspect that people want to use both OSX and Linux - and in that case, I'd highly suggest running Linux in a virtual machine anyway (Parallels/VMWare).

Sure it'd be nice to have a pure dual boot for Linux, but until drivers are written and fine tuned for that specific platform it will do just fine.

I use Parallels for that, and for running WinXP (believe it or not) for one old app I need. The new MBP is so fast that I can cold-boot WinXP in 3 seconds! - making it a breeze to get to the one app I need when I need it.


Comment ... then don't go there? (Score 5, Insightful) 459

I'm continually amazed that people think that because something offends THEM, that they have the right to censor what other people can do/see/say/hear/view/etc. There are a few things that the world DOES agree on - such as kiddie porn and murder being bad - but beyond that, if you're offended then simply censor YOURSELF and don't visit those sites! If the whole country agrees (which I doubt!), then block it in your country.

If ICANN doesn't tell them to go take a flying leap, there should be rebellion.


Comment Re:POS (Score 5, Interesting) 101

I'm using the RPi to drive a prototype device that I'm building. Currently it's just driving two real-time stepper motors (or close to real time), and doing a great job of it. For our production device though, we don't need Ethernet, and only want/need one USB - so the $10 savings and lower power consumption is perfect.

As for why we'd use an off-the-shelf board? Why not - it does everything we need, runs an off-the-shelf operating system, and is easy to program/update/use.

Why re-invent the wheel when we have areas where we can get a lot more value out of our time. As you seem to support - it's a great board!


Comment Re:What's With All The RIM Hate? (Score 4, Interesting) 220


Do you even have a current BB phone? I do, and I hate it with a passion, but I'm stuck with it because it's all my company supports for corporate email.

Battery life? half a day if I'm lucky.

Usability? It freezes for minutes at a time.

Apps? Really? Have you compared to any other platform like Android or iOS?

Talk about astroturfing... you're doing it pretty well.

(no, I have no affiliation with RIM whatsoever, besides being hampered by having one of their crappy devices - the 9960)

Comment Denial ain't just a river in Egypt... (Score 1) 1069

Isn't the figure that 1 in 10 people is LGBorT? Including LGBT content won't "turn kids gay"... you either are or aren't. What it does do is accept the reality of our world, and provide acceptance for people that might otherwise still live horridly stressful closeted lives.

It's simple... if you don't agree with homosexuality, then simply DON'T shtoop people of the same sex as you! Denying that LGBT people exist and are part of our culture/norm isn't going to change facts.

Comment Re:Routine spying (Score 4, Informative) 278

>>Then some people flew some planes into some buildings and we all lost our collective shit.

No, it was happening well before that. 9/11 just gave them a reason to accellerate it, and to increase their budget for doing it.

Ever heard of Echelon? (written in 1999/2000)

Comment Nylon / Teflon (Score 1) 159

I believe if you rub the nylon knittin' needle against the teflon one, one will become positively charged and the other negatively charged. I'm not sure which one is shedding the electrons and which is picking them up, but that's the reason. I'm guessing that the nylon one gains electrons, and teflon donates them.

He's transferring the charge from the needle to the droplets, then they're orbiting the oppositely charged needle due to electrostatic attraction. (the needle wants its electrons back, basically).

Comment Re:Get a Lumix (Score 5, Informative) 402

I'm an ex professional newspaper and sports photographer... and my main camera is the LX5 too... quality is amazing, leica lens, 24mm wide angle, HD video, low noise, good screen.

DSLR is great, but it's a pain in the butt to carry around. Unless you go out SPECIFICALLY to take pictures, something like the Lumix LX5 is more than enough. There's a great blog post on this:


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