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Comment Re:We need more memory (Score 1) 177

more than that, if I want to transfer a few gig of music or movies to my phone, its much easier to slip the sd card out and put it in a reader on my PC.

Really? I've always copied them via the network, either from the phone (loads of decent file browsers out there that support SMB, FTP, SFTP) or from the computer (run an FTP server on your phone). The only time I use the cable is when I have to charge my phone.

Comment Re:Obvious but baffling that it's not done yet (Score 1) 1532

Exactly. It's not like nobody could see this coming the last time they raised the debt ceiling. There was a similar crisis earlier this year and they "resolved" it by increasing the debt ceiling. Without structural reforms that bring the annual deficit under control, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that said ceiling will be reached again.

Comment Re:without decent drivers (Score 1) 188

Frankly the runtimes are so lightweight and efficient that if you cant manage to write a GUI control panel in say .Net that performs as well as native then you are just a shit programmer.

Unless said controls are using WPF which then performs horribly on older machines. They might have improved it since .NET 3.5, but I haven't developed on Windows for quite a few years now so my knowledge could well be out of date. Or just plain wrong. This is the internet after all ;)

Comment Re:Or alternatively (Score 1) 381

When you have a single developer responsible for 47K apps, I always take app store numbers from any company with a pinch of salt.

That'd be all well and good, if we were talking about RIM/Blackberry, but the article you linked has *NOTHING* to do with the topic at hand...

Because we know the App Store and Google Play are well curated and there is no possibility of crap submissions being accepted?

Comment Re:On the fence. (Score 1) 351

What is pretty certain is that somebody worked and that somebody is attached to a number that should get paid.

There is a simple scam that gets around paper systems. You tell you mate that you are going to be late so he leaves a blank line on the sign in sheet above his name. When you get there you sign in on the blank line and no one will be the wiser.

The other issue with paper systems is that they have to be transcribed by a person into the payroll system. That introduces mistakes and higher costs.

I'd +1 this a million times if I had mod points.

Paper systems are so easy to exploit. I'm surprised that the majority of posters here on Slashdot have trouble understanding the motive behind these scanners.Yes, it's to keep better track of their workers in the "If you say you are present, you really are present".

Comment Re:BFD (Score 1) 351

well the reason they don't want the scanners is that then they can't as easily sell their job when they move on - or have their cousin cover for them on a sick day.

Or just not turn up for work and have a colleague claim that they're present but you can't see them now because they're out on some obscure bit of track.

Comment Re:Now.. (Score 2) 321

As someone who works with the retail sector, this is absolute cobblers. Retailers are constantly focused on the bottom line, and they will only upgrade when it makes sense for them to. There are tills we support that run on Windows NT4. Yes, they're over 16 years old. No, they're not going to be upgraded anytime soon because they just work.

If that VB6 app is still in use, it's because it works. Why fix something that isn't broken just so you get the latest bells and whistles? This pisses off the support staff but it makes perfect sense for the business owner.

Comment Re:Its been obvious for years (Score 2) 510

An even better question will be to ask "How will we deal with climate change?" as only a fool blinded by dogma will deny that the earth's climate has changed (sometimes drastically) in the past. For example, let's fix the issue where droughts cause starvations in Africa as more frequent droughts are expected as the climate changes.

Comment Re:Money and age (Score 1) 510

Why would a rich person not care about his grandchildren? Any 1000 average people are richer than one rich person. If they act as a group, they are just as influential.

Who says they wouldn't care about their grand children? They're rich enough to look after their own and give the rest of us the fuck off. Good luck getting the 1000 average people to agree to a consensus.

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