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Comment Re:This is a good thing (Score 5, Interesting) 712

I definitely agree with Enterprise shops not wanting this - unless there is some type of LTS cycle rolled in (a la Ubuntu). Usual enterprise cycles are 3 to 5 years. Nobody wants to retrain their staff every year on OS changes. Also, there are applications that don't cycle each year and would need to be retested. A lot of shops haven't even phased out Windows XP and are planning upgrades to Windows 7, not Windows 8.

More and more I see Microsoft shooting themselves in the foot with this. They want Apple and Androids market - which is appealing because they are huge markets - but they are distancing themselves from their core strongholds. That could leave them loosing ground in all areas. Even Apple knows you don't but a tablet OS on a desktop. Microsoft has seemed intent on doing that and there still is a huge market for the desktop Market. Don't care how you slice it, spreadsheets, word processing, and content development is still all best done on a traditional desktop. I wouldn't be surprised if some linux distribution pushes to fill in the holes. Too bad Canonical is also trying for a slice of the already stuffed tablet and mobile market (face it, that's where the Unity interface has been headed) as there seems to be a looming gap that could actually make 2013 or 2014 the year of the linux desktop. No joking.

Comment Re:When will they make a movie about this? (Score 1) 353

Didn't most (if not all) of that case get thrown out by the Judge?

Not saying a lot of the stuff didn't happen, but the prosecution definitely exaggerated a lot of their claims, and it was easy to find "witnesses" due to the sheer number of people Henry Nicholas stepped on to get where he is. So as a movie, maybe you have more of Boogie Nights instead of The Departed... of course, I'd watch either one.

Comment Re:Everyone loves a winner. (Score 1) 881

I wish there was a party that wasn't so enveloped in special interests. My ideal party would have a main goal of hiring the most qualified people for their positions, regardless of affiliation. It wouldn't get broiled in any special interests at the Federal level. It would promote transparency, campaign finance overhaul, and cut out pork spending and promote 1 policy to 1 bill - without tying in a bunch of other crap.

Just from that starting point, I think things would start to change for the better.

Comment Re:I bet.. (Score 2) 381

Why just 18-30? I'm 40 and grew up in the 80's --- pretty much when home gaming started. I don't have the time to play like I used to, but I still play once in a while, and have been involved in a few MMORPG's (EVE Online, WoW, LotRO). I tend to play more games with a pause button, or family oriented games now, but I understand the line between gaming and real life. Not that I'm running for office, but I have no problem with the fact that someone that is plays games. There are plenty of people who work at high levels yet still find time for recreation. In fact, I'm willing to bet most people working at high levels need to find some sort of recreation, whether it be Golf or WoW, people need stress relief.

My mother is 75 and still plays super Mario Brothers. Before computer games, people played plenty of board, card and dice games. I understand they are going after this person based on what they are in the game as much as the fact that she plays it, but I know for a fact (based on my own experience) that what you do in a game does not reflect how you handle real life situations. At least for people considered normal, it shouldn't.

Comment Re:Can't wait to see the rebranded offerings (Score 1) 95

Yes, a Raspberry PI would work great as a thin client, just have to have the specific agent for whatever system you are running on the backend. I imagine there would be some tweaking involved to get audio/video streams that sync well. As for booting over the network, wouldn't really need to if you can have a small image on the device. The screen is delivered from the backend servers/clusters anyway. I guess upgrading the image would be easier with booting over the network, but not neccessary. This is what I liked about the PanoLogic solution --- there is no OS on the device itself. It takes one piece out of the equation, which is nice when dealing with cloud type of architecture.

Comment Can't wait to see the rebranded offerings (Score 4, Insightful) 95

Maybe Dell can finally offer an affordable thinclient. I am a big fan of their FX100, but it is priced out of range. By the time you license it and plug it in, it costs as much as a small form factor desktop. Not exactly the value customers are looking at with thin clients.

Lately we've been using PanoLogic Zero Clients. They are basically glorified network cards in a cube. No RAM, Processor, or other overhead that is prevalent in traditional ThinCleints. They are inexpensive and have a good management tool. Its inevitable that someone buys them out at some point.

Comment Hard drives? (Score 1) 116

From the slide show/article it says the drives were removed before hand to prevent customer info from being leaked.

I'm wondering why these had hard drives with data on them at all. Wouldn't the data be on a SAN on the backend? Kind of defeats the purpose of a blade in the first place, seeing you want to be able to replace it quick if something goes wrong.

In fact, if there are using the local drives, they better be sure to remove the RAID controller, as these might have info left in the cache as they are battery backed up.

Comment Re:If I name my server "Coca~Cola" ... (Score 1) 429

I named all my servers after ships in EVE, and just prefixed them with type of server. So AS-Scorpion for an application server, FS-Blackbird for a file server. To add to the confusion, we use a prefix of VM- for machines that have been virtualized.

It doesn't matter what you name servers, as long as the people working on them know what they are, and documentation is always important in any case.

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