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Comment Re:Puh-lease (Score 1) 102

Multiple-Tesla fields that are changing their orientation rapidly in time aren't particularly healthy to be around. Induced currents in your nerves, heating, etc. That MRI field is acceptable because it's DC. That is, if you don't have any ferromagnetic objects on you.

Comment Re:Stupid lack of nonrelativistic propulsion. (Score 1) 102

Rockets being the only solution does not automatically mean rockets are a viable solution. Please quit ignoring the real challenges presented.

Unfortunately, this can't be approached as an engineering problem and get the result you would like. It needs to be approached as a problem in fundamental research of the physics underlying our world.

There were lots of efforts to miniaturize the vacuum tube. They only resulted in smaller tubes. It took new insights in fundamental physics before people could understand how to make a transistor. There were many experiments with germanium (a natural semiconductor) that could have led to the transistor before 1947 if anyone had understood what was happening.

Comment Re:Puh-lease (Score 1) 102

Look at the amount of money made on oscillococcinum, and you might agree it's a successful hack to make money from the stupidity of others.

This would be cool if it was more than a stage trick. The superconductor needed to do this used to be mail-ordered from Edmund Scientific. So lots of hackers were doing levitation demonstrations in the 90's. People think it's cool because they've not lived through that, or have forgotten it.

Comment Puh-lease (Score 1) 102

Before someone makes a working hoverboard, we will first hear about the principle that makes it possible. Because one that's practical is almost guaranteed to get someone a Nobel Prize. And certainly Lexus would go for that if they could.

No new principles lately. There is an existing principle of magnetic repulsion that would work only in an extreme condition. One requiring really special stuff buried in the street, and probably including liquid nitrogen to keep it working for even a short time and a few feet.

So, it's a gimmick.

Comment Re:Screw capitalism (Score 1) 371

It's single stream that's bad, not 'capitalism.'
My town has a drop-off only transfer station, no pickup. Residents sort their profitable recyclables* into several large bins. The revenue from these high-quality, high-profit recyclables usually pays for the tipping fees on the trash (which includes non-profitable 'recyclables'). Town tax revenue is still required to pay for the facility upkeep and the people.

Of course, what works in a small bedroom community might not work as well in a dense metro area.

*glass (actually costs money to get rid of, but less than garbage), tin & steel cans, Aluminum cans, #2 colored plastic, #2 undyed plastic, #1 mixed plastic, newspaper, mixed paper, corrugated cardboard.)

Comment Re:Let's be honest about the purpose of the hyperl (Score 1) 124

Hey, I hang out with a lot of creative people. Not Elon Musk, but Steve Jobs for more than a decade, and lots of people at least as smart that you don't know. They can be really brilliant, and successful, and they can still make really stupid mistakes and sell them to the rest of us pretty well because they believe in themselves completely and they have a track record. I've done that too.

That's the hyperloop. Something Elon never meant to stand behind (and still really isn't), just put out there to torpedo a worthy project that he didn't believe in.

Anyone who looks at the hyperloop design can see it's not a no-brainer. It has safety issues up the wazoo :-) It's going to take a long time to get right.

Meanwhile, little Switzerland can have incredible trains everywhere and the United States can't get it together, and unlike with rockets and cars Elon's not helping this time. And I am not sure that the "lease" part of his solar business is a great thing for the world either.

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