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Comment Don't pay and call a consumer association! (Score 2, Informative) 543

IANAL and I don't know the specifics of German law, but EU state laws are quite similar, and I know a bit of the Italian ones. This is what would happen south of the Alps.
  1. A contract to be valid requires that both parties agree and understand what they're into. Your friend was made to believe something different that what she could reasonably expect. We had similar scams going on for a long while (you thought you were signing to support something, while actually buying a 2000 euros encyclopedia): whoever went to court always won.
  2. Almost anything which is not bought in a physical store can be returned for whatever reason for the following ten days. This follows from EU directive 85/577/CEE (which states a minimum of seven days)
  3. In order to agree to mean stuff the law requires you to be really sure you're agreeing: here you have to sign twice, in France you have to hand write "lu et approuv'e", i.e., "read and understood"; most likely you have something similar in Germany, which could help. BTW this means EULAs have essentially no chance to survive in court.

So what I'd do would be to call the legal service of my consumer association now

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