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Comment Re:Microsoft Business Disaster Model (Score 1) 492

I'm a younger person, and I don't really have a head for business. However, it seems a little silly to me that you would discredit Microsoft's decisions to invest in research and development. Technology is more of a "moving target" than resource harvesting/processing/delivery, and even Exxon-Mobil is putting effort into diversification. What happens to Microsoft if the open movement blows up one day and free/open solutions like Linux, and OpenOffice outstrip Windows and MS Office, and Microsoft doesn't have products like Xbox to fall back on? I would expect them to go the way of the Dodo, man.

Comment Re:10% more graduates will be disappointed (Score 1) 101

No, the people graduating with CS degrees are not part of that 85%. I graduated with a CS degree the week after that article was published. I've been working (in my field) ever since, living on my own, and I even bought a new car. There is only one person that has graduated from my school's CS program since I started there that isn't going to grad school(payed) or making a living in the field. And even that ONE GUY decided to work outside of the field out of personal preference. I'm currently looking to relocate. I put my resume up in a couple of different places on the web at the beginning of last week, and my phone has been ringing off the hook for interviews. I went to a small state school, and my grades weren't even stellar. Young CS grads ARE working.

Comment Re:Students Don't Always Know The Difference (Score 1) 101

My university made the distinction as well. I studied Computer Science vs. Information Technology (which wasn't even under the school of science and technology, it was under the school of business). I learned math, development, and theory; the Information Technology curriculum was basically "this is how you install an OS, this is how you set up a Cisco network, this is how you set up an Oracle database, meet the Bourne shell, etc." Basically, the things in the IT curriculum were training/hand-holding for things that I could have(and since graduating have) figured out in an hour if you locked me in a room with a computer and an internet connection. It's different everywhere, I guess. Our IT students certainly weren't capable of writing compilers or doing formal logic.

Comment Re:Does This Tool Actually Work? (Score 1) 1046

I don't mean to be rude or pedantic, but please learn what "in question" means. The dispatcher's intent and reasoning when telling Zimmerman "you don't need to do that" are very much in question. 911 dispatchers are typically very clear when communicating with callers; it's part of their training. Had the dispatcher meant "Don't do that. Stay in your vehicle. Wait for police to arrive", then that is what the dispatcher would have said. Period. I think SockPuppet is correct in this regard. The dispatcher was informing Zimmerman that he didn't need to do that for Zimmerman's own safety and not other reason.

Comment Re:Should be obvious--scale up from Jupiter's stor (Score 1) 63

I'm not contradicting the statement, but how do they know that? What sort of instrumentation did they use to take temperature measurements for the center? AFAIK it's still a reasonable debate as to the properties of our own earth's core, and we live ON IT. Does our distance from the sun (vs. our perspective of the earth) or another difference between the sun and our planet make one's core temperature measurable and the other's not? I'm not trolling. This is not my area of expertise, but I do think it's interesting.

Comment Re:Hactivists == cybercriminals (Score 1) 150

I think you'd be legally motivated if, say, John Travolta was holding a gun to your head, and you were simultaneously being sexually assaulted, and the only way to escape the situation would be to comply and hack the system. Oh! and, of course, you'd be timed to prevent you from contemplating the legal and ethical ramifications of your actions. I think any reasonable judge/jury would let it slide.

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