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Comment Re:Whose? (Score 2, Insightful) 275

I don't have a Kindle. I doubt if i will ever buy a Kindle. Don't know about games or music or movies, but when it comes to books I buy them in the ultimate DRM-free format - PAPER! Nobody has yet figured out how to put DRM on good ol' fashioned books. No problems buying them new OR used, no problems getting them from the library.
In at least this one area, I take pride in being a Luddite!

Comment Re:Ya kiding right? (Score 1) 226

$35 for a book? I wrote a book and (through not making the best choice of publishers) to date I have made less than $20 on it. Some people SPEND money to self-publish, and end up making less than they spent. Should we have to pay another $35 to register a copyright?

Or a short story. Some markets pay $10, $5, $1 for a story ... should we have to pay $35 to regi9ster a copyright? No way!

But I agree that the current term is too long ... way too long! Go back to the 28 years or something similar - perhaps the greater of 28 years or life of author. And maybe one FREE renewal, but only by the original author, no estates, trusts, corporate purchasers, or corporations claiming work-for-hire, all those just get the 28 years and that's it. PERIOD!

Would Disney really go bankrupt if Steamboat Willie dropped into the public domain?

Comment Re:Old-style adventure games (Score 2, Informative) 149

Leisure Suit Larry is MODERN compared to its predecessor. LSL 1 was based on a text adventure game called "Soft Porn Adventure" originally written (I think) in Apple BASIC but then ported to PC BASIC. A lot of the puzzles and events in LSL 1 were identical to those in SPA. Only the user interface was changed to a graphics format.

Comment Stupid laws, stupid lawmakers (Score 2, Insightful) 610

I must have been 7 or 8 when I got my first "ChemCraft" chemistry set for Christmas. By the time I was in Junior High, my best friend had a well-equipped chem lab in his basement, and I had one in an unused upstairs bedroom (my father even ran in gas for my bunsen burner). We used to make regular trips (driven by parents, of course) to a local science supply business to purchase glassware, chemicals, and such.

Now we have stupid paranoid lawmakers passing stupid paranoid laws, and even stupider fogbound bureaucratic government agencies enforcing the laws in a totally ham-handed manner.


Is there **ANY** way to get rid of all this idiotic nonsense?

(I could suggest that we elect Libertarians to **ALL** public and lawmaking posisitons, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen ... anyone have a better idea?)

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