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Comment Re:Not defending them, (Score 2) 294

I'm a loser for replying to troll AC.

Losing jobs and a lower standard of living has been happening for a solid 3 decades.

Just how many facials do I need to take from the Capitalists who are really running everything before I can stop worrying about America becoming a third world country just for the sake of their stockpiles of money getting larger?

Comment It's all about your goal (Score 1) 220

I've known for awhile that I'm getting my fix of 'false accomplishments' playing games. I've always enjoyed empire building games, but that has fallen off over the years as I'm getting into my 40s and wondering what the hell happened to my 30s? Plus the games today suck, but that's a get off my lawn sentiment.

Sometimes I just love killing zombies in L4D. I don't care about 'progressing' into the harder levels, I just want the thrill of killing zombies. OK, maybe I should strive for less than 5 friendly fire 'accidents' a game. Yeah that sounds like a good goal. Yeap I suck at multiplay, but I don't care -- I'm here to kill zombies.

Comment Re:Back in the 80s you could compete... (Score 1) 276

Add Ogre3D, Irrlicht and Torque game engines to the list too.
    I spent way too much time recreating their functionality in DirectX. It gave me an appreciation for the fundamental concepts of 3D graphics, but I spent months wrapping my head around it -- yes, I know I'm a dumb-ass, but it eventually clicked.
    Now I work with Unity and Photon and am mostly happy.

Comment Re:Natural Selection at work (Score 1) 489

Having another kid ISN'T bad for them financially. The welfare state is there to make sure of that.

Schooling and education were once considered important because they provided a way out of poverty. Now the government provides. Why bother with pointless chores like learning arithmetic?

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter of empty rhetoric and angst filled superiority.

Comment Re:school systems are a big cash cow (Score 1) 248

Voters get conned into voting for higher school budgets because they want better schools and higher property values, but the truth is much of the money is wasted. I voted against several school budgets that had over $1mil set aside for landscaping.

Indeed, students should be outside doing the landscaping themselves. Dual credits in PE and vocational training -ftw!

Comment Re:The problem with 2001 and Avatar (Score 1) 309

As for 2001, at least it watches like it was written by people with brains. Indeed, it's one of the most well-thought through films I've watched. Unfortunately it's also deathly boring and the pointless trippy shit at the end, doubtless just pandering to the times, completely ruins it. I could very happily take a knife to 2001 and trim 90 flabby minutes from it and end up with a reasonably tight, albeit still rather dull, film. 2001 deserved as many technical Oscars as it could get, and if they had a "scientific veracity in science-fiction" category then it would be a well-deserved winner, but best film? Not a chance.

Seriously. This.
Thanks, somebody had to say it.
I enjoyed reading 2001 immensively and really appreciated the whole left turn Clarke threw into the idea of human evolution both past and future. But the movie? No. Sorry, but the movie really begins when they are on their way to Jupiter. The previous bit is just head scratching filler.
I guess I'm not properly schooled to appreciate it. This is the text book example of why you have to throw some characters or something relate-able into a movie rather than just relying on long visuals. Maybe something was lost on me by not being part of the movie going generation of that time: like someone today seeing SW:ANH for the first time instead of back in 77 when it wowed an entire generation - despite being a very basic plot film.

Comment Re:It's not a choice (Score 2) 728

That doesn't mean people should go out of their way to persecute such folks, but it does mean they should be kept away from positions of authority. They lack a material connection to the future, and their motives are suspect. They lack the biological mechanisms that prevent toxic decadence in a human culture.

Awesome troll.

Even the most fundamental bible thumpers I know recognize that poor child rearing(by opposite sex parents) causes its own damage to the societal fabric. Having children doesn't automatically exault you into any other status other than 'parent' and even that needs to be earned.

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