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Comment Re:There's Your Problem Right There (Score 1) 1108

Very faithful men were the ones that wrote in the freedom guaranteeing that the same thing that happened in the Great Britain, causing them to rebel and break away, could not happen here. Those freedoms are being eroded today.
The constituation of these United States in incompatible with the US becoming a non-Christian nation.

I am not talking about religion. See my other comment.

Comment Re:There's Your Problem Right There (Score 0, Troll) 1108

Notice that I said faith and not religion. I am not a fan of organized religion by any means. Neither is my Savior.

If you want to talk about children being killed, you should consider what "religious fanatics" fight against every day. Over 54 million children killed legally under US law since the 60s, in the name of choice.

Comment Re:There's Your Problem Right There (Score 1, Troll) 1108

I see where it says Congress shall make no law respecting an _establishment_ of religion. I agree with the statement whole heartedly. I see nothing saying faith shall play no role in government. This country would not be as free as it is without men that relied heavily on their faith in God to determine that freedom. The field of science would not be as advanced as it is without men that relied heavily on their faith in God for wisdom and direction.

Comment Re:The Story Is Obviously "Paid For" Damage Contro (Score 2, Informative) 95

Just as an FYI, Brown is new to Harris. The former CEO left shortly after the data center was functional. He actually went out on top of bringing Harris up to a $6B+ company.
Not defending anyone here, just giving some information. Brown could not possibly be responsible for this blunder.

With that said, I thought the idea was a little crazy to begin with when Harris wouldn't even put less critical data into a 3rd party providers hands, even with sensitivity guarantees. So, why would their government services division think the government would do it with more critical data?

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