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Comment Re:hmmm. (Score 1) 278

I don't want to seem like I'm implying that there wasn't any industrial espionage going on during the development of the TU-144 or the Bakinor shuttle, however there could be valid reasons those designs turned out the way they did. In aerospace engineering (and in other engineering areas as well) form typically follows function. So when you're using technology of the day to design either a supersonic commercial transport or a lifting body orbital spacecraft, you're going to find the optimized aerodynamic shapes look quite similar even when approaching the problem from two initial starting points.

Comment Re:Duh. (Score 1) 1601

The first part of her statement was "I can't trust Obama, he's not... he's not... he's an Arab."

Maybe it's just my interpretation, but could it be McCain's comment about Obama being a good man be directed towards the first part of her statement about him being untrustworthy and not him saying that Arabs can't be good men?

The Internet

Opera Develops Search Engine For Web Developers 31

nk497 writes "The Metadata Analysis and Mining Application (MAMA) doesn't index content like a standard search engine, but looks at markup, style, scripting and the technology behind pages. Based on those existing MAMA-ed pages, 80.4 per cent of sites use cascading style sheets (CSS), while the average web page has 47 markup errors and 16,400 characters. Should you want to know which country is using the AJAX component XMLHttpRequest the most, MAMA can tell you that it's Norway, with 10.2 per cent of the data set." Additional coverage is available at Computerworld, and a deeper explanation is up at Opera's Dev site.

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