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Submission + - Do you share iPad with your family ?

kentsin writes: The security model of iPad is the same as your phone. Are there a divorce waiting to happen?

Do you use iPad in your work place? Do you allow stored password?

Comment Global warming is killing all life on Earth (Score 0) 1657

Ask roles in Ice Ages

Global warming may be true, but it might still in the hand of mother nature. If we force the weather stay in current stage, then we certainly break the balance.

Killing yourself and kill all life on Earth by stupid.

By manipulating others to acquire power is of-cause nature in political game. But it shouldn't make all human and animals die.

Comment NO! Anyone still got a chance (Score 0) 289

The current state of phone or mobile OS is still very childish. You may think of that iOS and Android already share many common features and look very alike.

But the mobile OSs are far from userable, then we can say they are good.

There are still many chances for anyone to join the race, so do Nokia.

Take, for example, location is still in earlier state of development, the phone is not very aware of what the owner is doing, location, time, and scheduled events could be combined to help the phone os to predict what is necessary for the phone to perform. And in current mobile os, none of these information is combined. And there is no clear idea how to protect the privacy of these information.

There is still many many rooms for improvement.

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