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Comment Apple head unit? (Score 1) 194

An Apple head unit? As in super expensive?

Jumping the shark?

First of all, most modern car stereos do much more than play the radio or act as an amplifier for an mp3 player. They also serve as controllers and displays for other computing units in the car. How will the Apple head unit reset the maintenance reminder?

Further, the head unit is probably the best piece of a stock car audio system. Money would be much better spent upgrading the speakers, or adding an external amp with a subwoofer.

And another step further, Apple can shove In-App-Purchases up it's own ass. Definitely not gonna make an entrance in my car.

Comment Fuck Mozilla. (Score 0) 1116

All of those idiots will be looking for new jobs as soon as Brendan Eich sues them to oblivion anyway. Wanted to be the better men? They should've come out and -DEFENDED- him, showing that the way forward is to get along, even if we have different views. This will be a slam dunk discrimination lawsuit, with a nice big settlement.

Comment Re:Yeah okay (Score 1) 545

immediately follows it up with some shit about how women are different

I think you are the one needing some perspective. Pull out an anatomy book. Look at them. They are different. Freaking awesome different. Which is why dudes always want them "involved in tech". The reason is of course different, having nothing to do with "tech" and a lot more with "biology"

You know what, maybe that's the reason why there are no women in "tech". Why the hell would they want to hang around with some creep nerds, who can only be in contact with women if they share the same workplace or play the same crap video games.

Different != inequality.


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