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Submission + - Electrically Conductive Plastic Polymer

AustinSlacker writes: "A Fox news article is reporting that a Dutch researcher is announcing a breakthrough in plastics. "Paulette Prins of the Delft University of Technology (Technische Universiteit Delft) demonstrated that specially rebuilt plastic conducts electricity just as well as the silicon wafers that are commonly used to make the semiconductor chips that are the brains of cell phones, MP3 players and other portable consumer electronics."
The Courts

Submission + - Hans Reiser stands trial for murder, no bail money

mtaht writes: "Announced today: Hans Reiser to stand trial for murder. He's too broke to make bail, so will remain in jail (hopefully doing something productive) until the jury trial starts May 7th.

To me, the evidence — with one notable exception — seems far more flimsy than in the OJ Simpson case. Trace samples of blood in the home? How many times have you bled in your house over the last 4 years? If your wife had gone missing, and you knew from watching hundreds of tv shows who was usually investigated — wouldn't a normal person (geek) that otherwise had had no encounter with the law previously — buy a book or two on the subject? (admittedly, pre-patriot act, I'd have got mine from the library). If innocent, would you get annoyed at being trailed everywhere and start playing games with the cops? Since when did washing your car "frequently" become evidence of a crime?

Still... what did you do with the damn car seat, Hans?"

Submission + - World's first medical robotics fantastic voyage

hakaii writes: Some 40 years after the release of the classic science fiction movie Fantastic Voyage, researchers have achieved a major technological breakthrough in the field of medical robotics. They have succeeded for the first time in guiding, in vivo and via computer control, a microdevice inside an artery, at a speed of 10 centimetres a second. More:

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To restore a sense of reality, I think Walt Disney should have a Hardluckland. -- Jack Paar
