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Comment Go to the investors (Score 5, Insightful) 517

Maybe the company doesn't care, but the people with money on the line will. And when they start to care, the company will start to care. Don't go hacking to try and prove a point, that's just gonna cause you more trouble than it's worth. And if, at the end of the day, no one cares or does anything about it, no sweat off your back.

Comment What do we actually do (Score 5, Interesting) 397

to fight this? The general public in America is so apathetic anymore that this is inevitable. Sure, we bitch and complain a lot, but when it comes time to actually do anything, nothing materializes. I'm genuinely surprised that the "Occupy" movement has lasted as long as it has, I figured it would fizzle completely in a few days. But, back to the point, this is a bad idea for me, the consumer. I don't give a rat's @ss that cable companies' profits are shrinking. That's not my fault. Put something worth watching on television at a convenient time and I'll sit down and watch it. I'll even watch the commercials. But the fact that I watch little to no network television is solely due to poor decisions on the parts of the providers and studios. Stop paying actors such ridiculous salaries, fire the horrible writers and get people with writing skills and tell compelling stories. Fire the executives that rake in disgusting paychecks and keep demanding dumbed down crap, "reality shows" and bad reboots. But don't tell me that I have to now pay more for my internet because you can't manage your finances like a grown up! But seriously, what do we do to prevent this from happening? I can cancel my internet.... oh wait, Comcast has a monopoly in my area so I can't leave. I can post a rant on Slashdot.... oh wait, that won't do anything. I can tell my neighbors about this and try to raise awareness, maybe organize a protest.... oh wait, it's America, they'll get all fired up, but never actually get off the couch. I can call my congressman.... oh wait, he's in the cable companies pocket. I can call Comcast and complain... oh wait, they don't give a $hit what I think. So what do we do? And not just about this, but about a lot of things. Look at the state America is in today, and on pretty much every issue, we the people are backed into a corner and have no real options. Personally, I'm ready to get out the pitchforks and torches.

Comment Someday I'm gonna weasel my way into the boardroom (Score 3, Interesting) 226

and take over a company. Not out of greed or a need for power, but to prove a point - that I can run a company at least as well as an "executive". Day after day we hear about absolutely moronic decisions like this being made, and we listen to suits blither on and on about vision and direction (while it's glaringly obvious that they are completely out of touch with reality) and I really, honestly believe that I could walk in and at the very least not do any worse than them. Maybe it's cause I've spent my whole life at the bottom with the rest of the unwashed masses and I still (so naively) believe that a company who listens to its customers (and good common sense) can be more successful that a company who caters to its shareholders whims, maybe I'm just an idiot. But someday, mark my words, I'm gonna weasel my way into a CEO spot and I'm gonna try my damnedest to do something smart! And then I'm gonna get promptly fired and go back to my cubicle and write PHP.

Comment IE? (Score 1) 234

But does it work in IE or does it need browser detection and a bunch of conditionals before it will play nice? Seriously, JS is tolerable when you write it for a "compatible" browser, but once you throw IE into the mix it turns into the code equivalent of a water boarding session

Comment Dreamweaver (Score 2) 129

At the risk of riling up the anti-DW crowd, it is a decent environment for writing HTML and JS. I wouldn't touch the WYSIWYG portions if you paid me, and I'm the first to get up in arms when someone claims to be a developer and uses any of that stuff (seriously, if you can't hand code HTML, get out of the pool). But for writing code, it's good. Color coding, code hinting, etc. It's not the best by far, but all Adobe needs to do is add a few features and DW will be the goto application for developers that want to use HTML5. It wouldn't be hard to add some timeline animation stuff in there (didn't they already add something like that?) and that would cover all the bases. I personally feel they're shooting themselves in the foot right now though, and it's a damn shame. Not looking forward to the next few years in the development world, things are gonna get ugly. HTML5 can't do all the things that Flash can, but Flash is now the bastard child that no one wants. Clients are expecting developers to deliver a high end experience, but refusing to let us use the proper technologies. They're hard core on the HTML5 bandwagon without any real understanding of the limits it currently imposes. Maybe it's time to jump ship and pursue embedded controller programming, I heard there's lots of work there

Comment Dont like the other options (Score 1) 1880

I tried Linux, and here's what I found - I had to dick around with settings and command line (I loved me some command line when I was a kid, but I'm a grown up now and I have better things to do with my time) to get it up and running, I had to jump jump through hoops to get drivers, and when it was all said and done, there really wasn't a whole lot of software. I ended up learning a whole new system just to do the things I was already doing on Windows without any problems. So I tried Mac. And I hated it. It felt like a toy. It felt "soft", like the whole system lagged just a few milliseconds. Not that it wasn't responsive, everything ran consistently, but it seemed like it was trying to slow me down. I just couldn't take it seriously. I still use Snow Leopard for some development, but after a few days of working in that environment, I feel sluggish and weak. Don't get me wrong, I've had some bad experiences with Windows- 98 crashed on me constantly, ME was a disaster (unless it was set up properly, look up mixed driver mode and you'll see), XP SP1 made me cry a few times, and I've heard that Vista was a bloated, sluggish disaster (no personal experience, wouldn't touch that fetid piece of crap with a ten foot pool, even in its current, supposedly decent, state). XP SP2 and 7 have, however, been a joy to work with and I will happily stay with those. Not even remotely excited about 8, the whole "Metro" thing just isn't working for me. If anything, I'll use the OS, but dump Explorer altogether and run LiteStep or something.

Comment In other words - (Score 1) 215

people motivated only by personal gain, with little to no working knowledge of the operation, have put in place measures that prevent workers from doing their jobs effectively, without bothering to consult with those workers about how to do things properly. So Los Alamos is being run like pretty much every branch of government and every business in America.

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