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Comment Gotta Justify that Budget Somehow (Score 1) 573

Apparently sophisticated international terrorism rings aren't as big of a threat as we've been led to believe, since the FBI seems to be more busy giving themselves congratulatory press conferences every few months for capturing the newest group of illiterate morons who've been convinced to plant fake bombs.

Comment Re:Who is threatning who? (Score 1) 667

Citing older references isn't helping your case. The DNI's Congressional testimony regarding Iran was given January 31 this year. Furthermore, the link you cited doesn't support your implication anyway--it clearly says there hasn't been any supporting evidence of active development since 2003, only a suggestion that Iran MAY have continued a lower level of research since.

Comment Re:Who is threatning who? (Score 3, Informative) 667

Except there's a problem with your statement--there is zero evidence that Iran is actively developing nuclear weapons. Even the US Director of National Intelligence has acknowledged this fact in his testimony before Congress. The "crazy" and "irrational" hyperbole that keeps creeping up in anti-Iran rhetoric only serves the interests of the hawks who want war.

Submission + - Zynga loses much of its 'Facebook bounce' (

bdking writes: Even though social games maker Zynga beat Wall Street expectations with its fourth-quarter earnings, shares fell Wednesday as much as 16%. What happened? For starters, the stock already had soared more than 50% since late January on the back of rumors regarding Facebook's IPO. On top of that, three analysts downgraded shares following the Q4 report.

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