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Submission + - SCO Given Delisting Notice

SCO Delenda Est writes: "The SEC has given SCO notice that they will be delisted from the NASDAQ if they cannot keep their share price above $1 sometime in the next 180 days. Although they may be able to avoid delisting for a while, their small market capitalization will hinder their efforts. Given their other financials, this just goes to show how desperate their current financial situation is."

Student Attempting To Improve School Security Suspended 282

TA_TA_BOX writes "The University of Portland has handed a one-year suspension to an engineering major after he designed a program to bypass the Cisco Clean Access (CCA). According to the University of Portland's Vice President of Information Systems, the purpose of the CCA is to evaluate whether the computers are compliant with current security policies (i.e., anti-virus software, Windows Updates and Patches, etc.). Essentially the student wrote a program that could fool the CCA to think that the computers operating system and anti-virus were fully patched and up to date. 'In the design of his computer program, Maass looked at the functions CCA provides and identified vulnerabilities where it could be bypassed. He wrote a program that emulated the same functions as CCA and eliminated some security issues. He says that the method he chose is "one of six that I came up with." Maass says his intent was not malicious. Rather, the sophomore says he was examining vulnerabilities so that they could be fixed. "I was planning on going to Cisco with the vulnerability this summer," Maass says. '"

Cell Phones Aren't Killing Bees After All 253

radioweather writes "A couple of weeks ago, there was a nutty idea discussed in The Independent that claimed the electromagnetic radiation from cell phones was causing bees to become disoriented, preventing them from returning to the hive. The flimsy cell phone argument was used to explain Colony Collapse Disorder. Today the LA Times reports that researchers at UC San Francisco have uncovered what they believe to be the real culprit: a parasitic fungus. Other researchers said Wednesday that they too had found the fungus, a single-celled parasite called Nosema ceranae, in affected hives from around the country."

Submission + - Apple delays Leopard to get iPhone done on time

mrZ0g writes: "Apple released this tid-bit today in regards to the iPhone and Leopard release dates

iPhone has already passed several of its required certification tests and is on schedule to ship in late June as planned. We can't wait until customers get their hands (and fingers) on it and experience what a revolutionary and magical product it is. However, iPhone contains the most sophisticated software ever shipped on a mobile device, and finishing it on time has not come without a price — we had to borrow some key software engineering and QA resources from our Mac OS X team, and as a result we will not be able to release Leopard at our Worldwide Developers Conference in early June as planned. While Leopard's features will be complete by then, we cannot deliver the quality release that we and our customers expect from us. We now plan to show our developers a near final version of Leopard at the conference, give them a beta copy to take home so they can do their final testing, and ship Leopard in October. We think it will be well worth the wait. Life often presents tradeoffs, and in this case we're sure we've made the right ones.

Submission + - Blogger spurs US radio host's firing

jas_public writes: The Wall Street Journal reports on the controversial events which ultimately led to the firing of radio shock jock Don Imus.

At 6:14 a.m. on Wednesday, April 4, relatively few people were tuned into the "Imus in the Morning Show" when Don Imus referred to the Rutgers women's basketball team as "nappy-headed ho's."

Ryan Chiachiere was. A 26-year-old researcher in Washington, D.C., for liberal watchdog organization Media Matters for America, he was assigned to monitor Mr. Imus's program. Mr. Chiachiere clipped the video, alerted his bosses and started working on a blog post for the organization's Web site.
The Courts

Submission + - Ex-CEO of Computer Associates to pay $52M

B. Galliart writes: "USAToday article states:

'A judge has signed off on a restitution agreement requiring the former chief executive of Computer Associates International (CA) to pay at least $52 million — including proceeds from the sale of his yacht and pair of Ferraris — to victims of a huge accounting fraud at one of the world's largest software companies.'

Architect Claims to Solve Pyramid Secret 209

Alreadybutnotyet writes "A French architect claimed Friday to have uncovered the mystery about how Egypt's Great Pyramid of Khufu was built — with use of a spiral ramp to hoist huge stone blocks into place. The construction of the Great Pyramid 4,500 years ago by Khufu, a ruler also known as Cheops, has long befuddled scientists as to how its 3 million stone blocks weighing 2.5 tons each were lifted into place. 'The most widespread theory had been that an outer ramp had been used by the Egyptians, who left few traces to help archeologists and other scientists decode the secret to the construction. Houdin said he had taken into account the copper and stone tools available at the time, the granite and limestone blocks, the location of the pyramid and the strength and knowledge of the workers.'"
The Internet

Death Threats In the Blogosphere 487

Several readers have written in about the death threats and threats of sexual harm that have been directed at tech blogger Kathy Sierra. She is the author of a number of books about Java and a popular speaker at conferences. She has now stopped blogging and cancelled her appearance at eTech. She names the names of four prominent bloggers who are backers of two sites on which the threats were posted. Others in the blogosphere like Robert Scoble and Tim Bray have posted publicly in support of Sierra. Scoble in particular emphasizes the streak of misogyny that is still all too evident in the tech world. The Washington Post is also grappling with the issue of vile comment posts that flirt with illegality. One commenter on Bray's post summed it up: "The Internet used to be a university. Then it became a shopping mall. But now, it's a war zone."

The Blackest Material 299

QuantumCrypto writes "Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have created 'the world's first material that reflects virtually no light.' This anti-reflection technology is based on nanomaterial and could lead to the development of more efficient solar cells, brighter LEDs, and 'smarter' light sources. In theory, if a room were to be coated with this material, switching on the lights would only illuminate the items in the room and not the walls, giving a sense of floating free in infinite space."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Ebayers iphone "Scam"

charley kane writes: "The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well at Ebay. Take for instance this listing: 19&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=2900 88305764&rd=1&rd=1 This fella figures he's gonna get the jump on Jobs and start making some cash on this iphone gadget right now! Of course unlike the wifi phone being offered by Apple Computer starting this summer, this crafty Ebayer is selling what he refers to as the "papercraft" version (see gizmodo: e-iphone-papercraft-model-227902.php)and it comes with a "fully charged battery" to boot ! Last I looked (2/28/07) bidding was up to $127.50 with 2 days to go, plus $10.00 shipping for the winner. Who knows, this "papercraft" wifi phone might catch on, maybe Apple could give everyone an iphone on the back of a cereal box ! (rechargeable battery not included)"
Wireless Networking

Submission + - WiFi a DirectTV Antenna

QuantumCrypto writes: "I always wonder what people do with their DirectTV dish antennas when they no subscribe for service. Of course, they WiFi it! This project converts a DirectTV dish into a high performance wireless network antenna. Perhaps if enough ex-DirectTV subscribers got together, the world might be a better place to link up."
The Courts

Fighting Porn Vs. Ruining Innocent Lives 815

After news of the conviction of a substitute teacher for endangering minors — because porn popups, possibly initiated by adware, had appeared on her computer during class — comes the even sadder story of 16-year-old Matt Bandy. His family's life was turned upside-down when he was charged in Arizona with possession of child pornography, even though the family computer was riddled with spyware and Trojans. After the intervention of ABC's 20/20, Matt finally was allowed to plead to a lesser charge (namely, sharing a Playboy magazine with friends) and just barely escaped being labeled a sex offender for the rest of his life.

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