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Submission + - Apple brings iPad mini (

m1ndcrash writes: Hmm, it seems Apple is trying to secure its tablet market dominance by releasing another version of iPad, rumored "mini". It is not known of the guts the new device will possess, however leaked informations suggests that the new screen will be around 8" or 20 cm. Are they going after e-readers or trying to expand the market? The history will show.
P.S. I doubt design, iOS will somehow be different from what there is out there already. Apple just likes to play with Scale & Rotate (Ctrl + T) function in Photoshop.

Comment XP still lives on (Score 0) 552

Is PC dead?! You must be joking! According to wikipedia (may 2012) Windows XP has 44.85% market share. That means near 50% of all (win) PCs are old school. Yes, there is a change in mobile world and some tasks have moved to phones but a PC is still a PC. Moreover they haven't invented better way to input data than a keyboard. My two cents.

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