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Comment Re:Money to be made (Score 1) 412

>Why? People buy it anyway and the studies cost many millions of dollars. They have NO interest in proving (or disproving) anything about these supplements. In fact they had congress pass laws explicitly preventing the FDA from regulating them so that they wouldn't have to prove their claims.

Fun fact. There are actually peer-reviewed scientific journals, for reporting these kinds of results. Some common "alternative medicines", like tea (boring, I know), have had literally hundreds of studies on their effectiveness at doing various things, with well understood results.

This does not mean they're effective. I skimmed numerous studies on milk thistle that all agreed it didn't have any of the reputed health benefits for the liver.

You can learn more about all the data the NIH tracks on alt med here:

Or read through a peer-reviewed journal here: http://www.alternative-therapi...

Comment Re: What did you expect? (Score 3, Insightful) 197

PGP/GPG is much easier to use these days than it was in the 90's. Plugins exist for many mail clients that do the heavy lifting in the background.

Friends and family are surely tired of my tinfoil hat, they just do not seem to care about their privacy. Many say the "I have nothing to hide" line.

Comment Re:Gov't contractors are not paid by the hour (Score 1) 253

>Forcing long hours on contractors and saying "well, we pay your company hourly" is an immoral load of bullshit. This is nothing less than government-sanctioned overtime fraud.

The federal government is the worst offender against labor laws in the country.

It's nice being part of the same organization that investigates and prosecutes offenses, isn't it?

Comment Re:Problems in C++ (Score 1) 386

>1) No, that's not the case. The difference between .at and operator[] is that .at() has a const overload and operator[] is not.

Are you sure about that?

>2) Most high performance apps (eg. games) turn off bounds checking in any case for performance reasons.

Which is fine.

Personally, I'd have preferred it if I could simply enable or disable bounds checking on [], so I could test my code to make sure I'm not going to fry memory, and then disable bounds checking on performance critical code for release.

>Uh, stringstreams?

I'm not saying that you can't write your own functions, just that the STL string class is not a drop-in replacement in functionality in string.h

Comment Re:Problems in C++ (Score 2) 386

>>1. Dude ... if you want to query the size of an array, use a vector. No, it doesn't make your code less readable. And, no, you don't have to use .at() everywhere: C++ has this thing called operator overloading. Maybe you've heard of it. You can use array syntax with vectors. Use vectors.

Dude, don't use square brackets with STL arrays and vectors, just to make your code more readable. The [] operator skips bounds checking, which is the main reason for using these classes in the first place. At() is the proper methodology to use in pretty much every case, unless you are so confident in your bounds that its worth the trivial speed increase in access time.

>>2. I'd like to know what functionality you think you need string.h for when using C++ strings. I've found the standard library string type quite feature-complete.

The biggest gaps were filled in C++11 with replacements for atoi() and so forth, but there's still no replacement for strtok or some of the other functions in the core language.

>>3. C++ isn't an interpreted language; of course it won't have much reflection.

Sure. Makes life more difficult though by pushing those tests out to the linker instead of being able to code them directly from the language itself.

>>4. Forward declarations are not for saving the compiler time. They are for declaring a linkage interface with external code. If you ever even thought seriously about writing a C++ compiler you would know the language is not designed to make doing so easy.

Not my point. Quite obviously you need declarations for extern names not found in the file scope. But for functions within the same file scope, you still need to do forward declarations, which is only done to avoid having to do an extra pass over the code. Might have made sense in the 80s, but not today. Maybe it's not a huge deal since it's just a single copy and paste and edit every time you change a function definition when you're working on it, but it still otherwise serves no benefit.

Also, there shouldn't be much need for #ifdef guards any more. It's 2015. We should be able to include the same function definition twice without the universe breaking.

Comment Problems in C++ (Score 1) 386

>What kind of complexities has modern C++?

1. C++ still doesn't let you query a C-style array to determine its size, even though that functionality is tracked in dynamic arrays anyway, and can be calculated from staticly defined arrays within their own scope.

So every function using C-style arrays must also pass in a size_t holding the array size. This hurts readibility by wasting room on the parameter list, and exposes you to buffer overflow errors.

int arr[10];
for (int i : arr) cout i;

void write_array(int arr[]) { for (int i : arr) cout i; }

STL arrays and vectors are obviously better, at the cost of decreased code readibility. Square bracket accesses are easier to read than .at()s everywhere.

2. Strings. Even with the string type, it is still shitty to use, still has terrible support, and you still have to use the c library string.h for some functionality since they've been too lazy to rewrite all of them into the C++ standard library. This means that people wanting to use the C++ string class still need to know the C way of doing things, and are still vulnerable to the same off by one errors that have been around for decades.

3. Almost no reflection capabilities.

4. The language still enforces rather idiotic rules about class and function definitions that modern languages have done away with, and for the better. It's not like putting #ifdef guards on your code is difficult, but in these modern times it should not be necessary. And forward declarations are a way of saving compiler time at the expense of programmer time. This is the opposite of what should be happening. Compilers are there to make programmers' work easier, not the other way around.

5. C++11 and later has made great strides in simplifying the life of programmers, but its cruft accumulation shows.

Comment Re:Stop trying to win this politically (Score 1) 786

>If you want to talk about science, then show me a tested climate model that has been subjected to an empirical test of its validity. It isn't that hard guys. We have a lot of very accurate historical data. Feed in past climate data and see if your climate model can predict the past or the present accurately. The first model that can do that which isn't just a collection of plug variables is something worth taking seriously.

What? No.

You have it completely backwards. All serious models are trained on and tested using historical data. If they can't even predict the past, what use are they?

But - here's the key point - predicting the past is *worthless* other than as a sanity check. As Garrison Cottrell told me, predicting the past is easy (even trivial). It's predicting the future that is hard.

The only way to really know for sure if a model works is to test it moving forward. And the IPCC doesn't have a great track record at that.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
