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Comment Re:News for nerds (Score 1) 165

While the IS stuff is rather a hot news item, I do not agree that slashdot is really the place for it. One of the reasons I look at Slashdot is to get a nice newsfeed without 5 items per day about wild muslims.

Damn! There goes my new article about about "Emacs or Vi? Which do wild Muslims prefer?"

Comment Re:Too Bad (Score 2) 106

While I do not fall on the recorded Autism spectrum. The way they make Sheldon would be very insulting to people with these problems.

While having Asperger's can bring some problems it can also bring strengths and pleasures (e.g. Aspie "special interests" can be great fun, almost like being in love, but with a topic rather than a person). I wouldn't refer to Asperger's simplistically as a "problem". It is a condition with problems and advantages - and also some differences that are just plain neutral.

Referring to the autism spectrum as unqualified "problems" is part of the problem. Asperger's isn't a defect, it is a difference with positives and negatives.

PS: quite a few people on the spectrum think Sheldon is great. At least we get a vaguely recognisable Aspie character who has some strengths (genius, can be very generous with money) and obvious weaknesses (not all of which are core Aspie weaknesses - e.g. his narcissism is more Sheldon than Aspie).

Comment Re:Geany (Score 1) 402

Agreed. Without geany there, this comparison is not very useful. Whenever I was using Linux, I missed notepad++, until I found out about geany.

You know, Notepad++ will run perfectly fine in Linux under Wine. It isn't that hard to install and use. I have Notepad++ and TextPad on my Linux desktop right now.

The Linux police don't come and arrest you if you install your favourite Windows programs in Linux.

Comment Re:Technical Merit really overrated (Score 2) 739

Of the winners in computing, those that won because of technical merit are swarmed by those that won for other reasons.

Things win because they are "good enough", for a "reasonable enough" price, at the right time - but it helps if they are being pushed by a ruthless, anti-competitive monster monopoly.

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