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Comment Re:Geany (Score 1) 402

Agreed. Without geany there, this comparison is not very useful. Whenever I was using Linux, I missed notepad++, until I found out about geany.

You know, Notepad++ will run perfectly fine in Linux under Wine. It isn't that hard to install and use. I have Notepad++ and TextPad on my Linux desktop right now.

The Linux police don't come and arrest you if you install your favourite Windows programs in Linux.

Comment Re:Technical Merit really overrated (Score 2) 739

Of the winners in computing, those that won because of technical merit are swarmed by those that won for other reasons.

Things win because they are "good enough", for a "reasonable enough" price, at the right time - but it helps if they are being pushed by a ruthless, anti-competitive monster monopoly.

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