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Comment Re:how is this different than a browser plugin? (Score 1) 150

One difference would be that this works for every piece of software on every computer that you connect to the network after the box - not just one browser.

This can be good or bad. You may be doing something very secret on your secure, anonymous computer. Then an insecure app on your iPhone opens an unencrypted connection to some server and tells the tor exit node who you are.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 640

I couldn't agree more. As an analogy, there have been tons of studies looking for a link between cellphones and cancer. Even before those studies were made, anyone who had an understainng of how electromagnetic radiation works would have said that cellphones can't cause cancer. Still, the studies were made, showed no link, and gave empiric support to something that was previously just a theoretical argument.

Comment Re:Help us Google Fiber! You're our only hope. (Score 1) 568

How do you propose to end what's a natural monopoly: last-mile utilities to the premises?

There are allready two or three lines going in to each building: telephone, electric, and sometimes also cable TV. Where I currently live (Germany) there is healthy competition beteween telephone-wire and TV-cable based ISPs.

Alternatively you can mandate that the company that has the monopoly on the last mile must share it with competitors. This model has been very successfull in Sweden, for example.

Comment Re:Crisis not solved, made worse (Score 1) 282

I think the reason why GP is currently at "-1 Troll" is that the first line of the post says that US Treasury bonds have junk status. When you lead with an easily verifiable, factually incorrect statement like that, nobody will take you seriously.

But since there is, apparently, a large crowd (including several senators) who believe that the rest of what he wrote is "the truth". I will try to respond.

Yes, it is true that the US, like most other countries, will never pay off its debt. The way fiat currency works is that inflation continously transfers wealth from those who save to those who borrow. This means that if you have the credibiliity to be able to borrow, then you should do so. The federal government has this credibility, and therefore it is more profitable for it to invest in things like infrastructure and education than to pay off debt. (Even feeding the poor can be seen as an investment, because they will likely generate tax revenue in the future.)

I personally dislike the idea of fiat currency. I think it is deeply unfair the way we transfer wealth from those who cannot borrow to those who can. But since those are the rules we play by, I do the best of the situation and borrow to invest. The US government would be stupid not to do the same thing.

The idea that the US could keep paying interest on its debt, without raising the debt cieling (popularly known as "prioritization") is simply false. Even if it were legal (which it is not) it wouldn't work. If the federal government stopped paying any of its bills, then the credibilty that allows it to borrow cheaply would be destroyed. At that point, you get the equvalent of a run on the bank. It would not be a matter of paying $300 billion per year in interest, but instead repaying the principal at a rate of $5 000 billion per year, which would cause bankrupcy in a matter of weeks even if all other payments are halted.

Comment Re:Misplaced outrage (Score 1) 548

Exactly. I doubt very much that the store owners removed these books for ideological reasons. They are simply doing what they think is best for business, keeping the bulk of their customers happy. I would not be surprised if they now start up adult e-book stores under different brand names.

Comment This is just stupid. (Score 2) 214

Where's the statistics that show this "brain drain"? Sure Israel has a high rate of emmigration, but that's because it also has a high rate of immigration, and a large fraction of dual citizenship holders. One of the Nobel Prize winners from TFS actually illustrates this perfectly. Dr. Levitt was born and raised outside of Israel, but is now a citizen and spends six months a year there (according to Wikipedia.) Counting people like him as "emmigrants" is very missledaing.

Comment Re:Reference Newspapers (Score 1) 239

The cameras were cameras, but the weapons carried by other members of the group were wepons. The lessons to learn from this are:

If someone asks if you want to join the military (in a country which might invade other countries) just say "fuck you!" Otherwise you might soon find yourself in a situation where you either fire on what might be innocent civilians, or risk exposing your friends and colleages to an enemy assault.

If you ever find yourself organizing an armed resistance movement (because your country was invaded) make sure you wear uniforms, armbands, or some other kind of identifying marks whenever you operate. It may make you more of a target, but it may also save the lives of civilians around you.

Comment Re:What if the morons at OpenSSL don't incorporate (Score 1) 94

Exactly. As a software developer, I often get bug reports. My standard reply is to ask for the (equivalent of) config files, because 99 % of the time, it is not a bug, but user error. In those cases, I can find the error in the user's files in far less time than it would take me to go bug-hunting in the project code.
Conversely, when I submit bug-reports myself, I try to make a minimal case. If I can reproduce the bug with a fresh installation and default configuration, then I say so in the report.

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