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Comment Re:Could the soul survive? (Score 1) 202

you don't like the word soul, fine, i guess what i am trying to get at, is does your consciousness transfer? or were you destroyed and a clone that thinks its you and acts like you created.

The real problem is there isn't any evidence to cite on either side of this argument. and defining the "soul" is heavily philosophical and often religious. for the purposes of this argument i guess i am mostly saying it is your thought stream/consciousness. if you stop it on your original body does it resume after you are teleported, or is that just a copy?

i would say this is all related to the ship of theseus even if teleportation of real objects isn't really feasible today, this topic has been debated for centuries.

i know being a TV show this isn't really a good source but Sheldon on Big Bang Theoryunderstands the issue.
i had already formed my opinion long before seeing this.

Comment Re:Could the soul survive? (Score 1) 202

a soul i still an important concept and good area of debate if we ever develop star trek style teleportation. if you strip away all the various religious crap, your "soul" is basically whatever makes you, "you". it is what is controlling your body, thinking your thoughts. there doesn't need to be any magical spirit involved in this concept.

when you come out of a star trek style teleporter is it actually you that comes out complete with your stream of consciousness? or is it just a really detailed copy that looks like you acts like you and thinks it is you and the previous you was destroyed and no longer exists? i don't know about you, but i definitely wouldn't ever voluntarily use a teleporter, except as a last resort. either it transfers the "soul" and everything is fine or what comes out is a very detailed duplicate that looks and thinks exactly like you. this duplicate since it has all your memories would think it had worked even if the original you ceased to exist. i am not really afraid of death but that also doesn't mean i want to cease existing. teleportation just seems too risky.

i think it is more clear if someone were to make an exact clone of you including your memories. this duplicate isn't you, you don't control it you don't hear it's thoughts. it may look like you and think like you but it isn't you.

Comment Re:WTF does it do for me? (Score 1) 272

But they do have your name. you do realize it is encoded on the magnetic strip? and most regular customers will live within a rather small radius of the business. so if they want your address they can take your name from your card and then look you up in an online phone book so they can send you ads next time farscape is on sale

Comment Re:The bigger picture (Score 1) 765

i mostly agree that 200 accidental deaths of youths is nothing, but exactly what right do you think is being trampled?

Do you even know the purpose of the 2nd amendment? how do you plan to overthrow an oppressive government that now has the worlds best equiped standing army and has control of multi-million dollar war machines? you need to face it the 2nd amendment is outdated. Unless we the citizens can also own and operate our own tanks, fighter jets, and armed UAV's we really don't stand much of a chance.

Comment Re:Good to know (Score 1) 179

field was powered by whatever it was protecting the occupants from

that doesn't sound like a very good idea...sure you can't destroy them, but couldn't you indefinitely imprison your foe in their own shield by just keeping some sort of high powered laser shining on it? or put it inside a magnetic field and pump plasma into the shields from the article...

Comment Re:I guess they were wrong (Score 2) 146 paraphrase, what you are saying is that tax law is excessively more complex than it needs to be and should be simplified greatly.

i mean no offense to you, but taxes should be simple enough so that people like you aren't needed for the majority of people to complete their taxes. and for that matter tax software shouldn't be needed either.

Comment Re:WHAT? (Score 3, Insightful) 737

every abandoned car on earth would have an alternator. just need to rig something to spin it and you have electricity, say make a windmill.

heck all the cars also have batteries i would have to imagine at least some of those would still work as well.

electricity wouldn't be too hard to get.

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