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Comment Re:Stupid slope (Score 2) 440

A dead man doesn't testify.

According to my father, that's what he was taught as a soldier in Poland. Shooting to wound can lead to legal trouble, and if you're only looking to wound, you probably don't have grounds to be shooting at all, guns should always be a last resort if you ask me, as in, your absolute last chance.

Not to mention, Im sure its nearly impossible not to "shoot to kill" in an actual deadly situation, you can't honestly expect someone to be 100% calm and dead accurate when in a life or death situation, and so the center of mass approach is generally what happens.

If you do have the time to properly aim and fire in a self-defense situation, you're either Robocop, or you shouldn't be firing.

Comment Re:Change for the sake of change? (Score 1) 835

I've been using LXDE for the past couple months. I dont need much desktop configuration, and the amount it has is more than enough. I'm sure if I played around with themes and stuff I could get a very pretty looking desktop, but its just not that important to me. It's also been pretty stable, but has crashed on me once or twice.

It's memory footprint is also pretty small (I used to run Gnome on this laptop). If you want a bit more functionality and a default "nicer" look, go for XFCE, if you want something lightweight, but maybe a tad more difficult to set up to your specifications, go for LXDE.

Comment Re:One small step for man (Score 1) 395

The problem is, what if he owned a 50 cal. rifle? Does that constitute a threat, even if he had no actual intention of shooting him? I'm leaning towards that being enough to investigate, but then again, you'd have to be pretty stupid to actually want to go through with something like this and post about it on yahoo.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 2) 117

I agree that the idea is good! However, no oversight + a company with a bad track record: What could go wrong?

This will turn into another "guilty until proven innocent" scenario for everyone who has funds seized. I'm sure they'll manage to nab some of the "bad guys", but given their track record, I foresee more than one legitimate business having to produce tons of receipts and deal with bad PR because of this.

Comment Re:Feels the same as the last ones (Score 1) 181

This actually happened to me pretty recently. Maybe I was lucky, but almost nothing bad happened. X was partly broken, and the CUPS config file was zero'd out (No idea how this happened :/). Sudo apt-get install -f, after deleting some useless crap from the terminal fixed everything except for cups, which took me another 5 seconds to type mv ./config.default ./config.

Comment Hardly Surprising (Score 3, Insightful) 291

People who torrent lots of media tend to enjoy being consumers of media. Many want to support artists but love the convenience P2P gives them, so they utilize it to try products and then support the artists they think deserve funds by purchasing DVDs/CDs/Games, or they simply want a physical copy as a result of wanting to collect things.

I'm not discounting that some pirates are purely leeches however. There's no reason to believe that all pirates are so generous, just that it makes pretty good sense that a majority are willing to pay for quality entertainment. Hell, I've purchased each volume of MegaTokyo religiously since picking up the first one randomly in a bookstore, regardless of the fact that the comics are all available for free online (And not illegally either).

Comment Re:Then Why Have We Moved in the Narrative Directi (Score 2) 342

There's a good deal of sandbox style games, but I think I know what you're getting at. The problem most people have with games like the old Final Fantasy's is that there is sometimes too much choice, since you can often wander around without finding the character you're supposed to. These days, games tend to follow a constant reward system, where the player is constantly making progress, or is given a proverbial carrot to follow. There's really no more of the "wander the F* around until you find something useful", because it doesn't play on human psychology in the same way. The short, easy reward
games are more addicting and more immediately rewarding (Though certainly not necessarily better).

There's games like Oblivion and Morrowind(Though thats probably considered a classic by now), which kinda have the free-roaminess of certain classic RPGs, but in Oblivion especially, you're always given an easy, surefire way to track someone down.

However, for the most part, I think game designers have noticed the psychological reward system sells games because its so addictive. You're constantly getting positive feedback for completing challenges that are just hard enough to not be boring.

Comment Never Too much Data (Score 1) 60

I'm not an expert in Astronomy, but in general, I don't think you can collect too much data, as long as its stored in an at least somewhat intelligible format. This way, even if professional astronomers miss something today, amateurs and/or future astronomers will have tons of data to pick apart and scavenge tomorrow.

Plus, more data should make it easier to test hypotheses with more certainty. Hopefully, the data will be made publicly available after the gatherers have had a shot or two at it.

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