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Comment Re:I disagree. (Score 2, Insightful) 251

I know that you enfatically said "I disagree." (twice), but I'm not sure that you really do.

He said:

"Someone out there with a better idea will raise a bunch of money, give it away for free, build scale and charge less to reach the audience."

You said:

"The only way a new product will ever dislodge a entrenched rival is when they offer something unique and compelling or are readily interchangeble with the old one."

Sounds like the market forces that he describes are part of this "new economy" where huge amounts of venture capital can be raised and thrown away trying to create the "next big thing". The next big thing in almost all cases improves on what has came before, just as you said "something unique and compelling".

Overall, I think the article is a good one, and his point is pretty accurate. I don't think it's revolutionary, but there are some ideas in there that I have never thought about in quite the way that he is going into.

Comment Take Breaks (Score 1) 865

I have found over my years that you will burn out if you don't take breaks. For me taking at least one break a day and devoting that break to walking is a great way to keep your metabolism functioning. Sure, you won't drain the calories by simply walking, but you will burn a few, and you will have the bonuses of keeping your legs moving and helping your mind clear itself and refocus.

Combine that with the other suggestions about regular aerobic exercise (at least 3 times a week) and healthy lifetime eating habits (cut out all regularly consumed sugar drinks for one!!), and you will slowly see pounds drop.

There is simply no other way to do this in a healthy manner... don't procrastinate start today! All those stupid motivational slogans are right. You have to be the one to take action for your life.


Submission + - Google Chrome, the Google browser

Philipp Lenssen writes: "Google announced their very own browser project called Google Chrome — an announcement in the form of a comic book drawn by Scott McCloud, no less. Google say Google Chrome will be open source, include a new JavaScript virtual machine, include the Google Gears add-on by default, and put the tabs above the address bar (not below), among other things. I've also uploaded Google's comic book with all the details (details given from Google's perspective, anyway... let's see how this holds up). While Google provided the URL there's nothing up there yet."

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mernil writes: "The KDE Community is happy to announce the immediate availability of the first Beta release for KDE 4.0. This release marks the beginning of the integration process which will bring the powerful new technologies included in the now frozen KDE 4 libraries to the applications."

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