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Submission + - AltSlashdot is coming ( 3

Okian Warrior writes: I've registered "". I intend to run a site much like Slashdot used to be — better articles, less decoration and less "in your face" functionality. I'm reviewing and getting comfortable with slashcode right now. I'm looking for volunteers to help with setup and running the site. If the site becomes profitable, I intend to hire from the pool of volunteers. If you've ever wanted to participate in a site like Slashdot, here's your chance! I'm particularly in need of people who can:
  • Set up and manage a high-traffic site (servers, load-balancers, data sites, &c)
  • Edit story submissions
  • HTML, CSS, and script creation/bugfix/repair

Contact me if interested John (at) AltSlashdot (dot) org

Submission + - Slashdot beta sucks 9

An anonymous reader writes: Maybe some of the slashdot team should start listening to its users, most of which hate the new user interface. Thanks for ruining something that wasn't broken.

Oldest Lunar Calendar Found In Scotland 51

First time accepted submitter eionmac writes "The BBC reports that Archaeologists believe they have discovered the world's oldest lunar 'calendar' in an Aberdeenshire field. Excavations of a field at Crathes Castle found a series of 12 pits which appear to mimic the phases of the moon and track lunar months. A team led by the University of Birmingham suggests the ancient monument was created by hunter-gatherers about 10,000 years ago. The pit alignment, at Warren Field, was first excavated in 2004. The experts who analyzed the pits said they may have contained a wooden post. The Mesolithic calendar is thousands of years older than previous known formal time-measuring monuments created in Mesopotamia. The analysis has been published in the journal Internet Archaeology."

Comment Re:Yeah. (Score 2) 289

Samsung S4, unlocked price: $699..

Strangely enough it's actually $649 you seem to have found a vendor on amazon who is inflating the price... (or perhaps thats a 32gb model?)
the htc one is a mere $599 for their 32 gb model....

What in the world are you smoking, and why aren't you sharing? Also, do you understand that the Nexus phones are sold without profit, and even support costs built in? Google themselves have said that multiple times. It's the cost of hardware, and that is it. Have a think about it. Why would someone essentially do what an a "dump" of the Nexus hardware?

Interestingly enough the nexus phones aren't sold without profit, in fact the nexus 4 has ~$150 profit. They just aren't sold at ridiculous levels of profit... Note that price is based on a tear down and the price of components.

Comment Re:unfiltered my ass (Score 1) 81

I wish I had internet access that didn't have inbound port blocking, no caps and 1gigabit speed all for $70 a month. Instead I have internet access where I'm not even allowed to vpn in to work, tons of port blocking inbound and outbound, 300gb a month cap and only 50mbit speed down with 10mbit speed up, all for $70 a month. Mind you my isps restrictions on servers isn't just TOS but actual port blocking, port 25 outbound is blocked, port 53 inbound is filtered, port 80 inbound is filtered plus god knows what else.

Comment Re:Good aim, misses the target (Score 1) 230

Ah you're right and it looks like the providers have decided on charges like $35, must be some hella cheap smartphones. Further they must specify that fee in the contract beforehand so its not like they're going to be able to promise you $35 then jack up the fee later, they have to tell you how much it will be then stick to it.

Comment Re:Good aim, misses the target (Score 1) 230

When calculating the early cancellation fee,
the value of the device subsidy is the retail price of the device minus the amount that the customer paid for the device when the contract was agreed to; and
the retail price of the device is the lesser of the manufacturer’s suggested retail price or the price set for the device when it is purchased from the service provider without a contract.

If the carrier sets the price higher than apples then apples price takes effect, its whoever is lowest.

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