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Comment Re:Not to worry (Score 1) 62

Here's how an exception proving (testing) the rule works:

A swimming pool has a notice on the diving board that reads "Not for use by children under 8."
Anyone can therefore use the diving board with the exception of under-8s.

Along comes one such exception in the form of a 7 year-old kid. Lifeguard sees him and says "stay off the board, son!"

Rule proven.

Now just extend that to quasars and you're on a winner.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 515

The Eurostar is one of the few services in Europe where there *is* a security check and a requirement to arrive 10-30 minutes beforehand (it's 10 with the expensive ticket, 30 otherwise, and they're actually very accommodating if you're late). California shouldn't need this, as there's no international / undersea borders.

For other trains, 2 minutes is a bit short. For a long-distance journey, I aim to be waiting at the correct platform 5 minutes before the scheduled departure time, or a bit more if it's an infrequent (>20m) service.

Every Spanish HST has a security check-through. And Spain is the most HST-intensive country in Europe.

Having said that, security checks like the Spanish ones I can handle. You practically have to wake the guy up to check you. And there's no requirement to arrive early, although it's clearly not advisable to wait till the last minute.

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