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Comment Re:Black Mirror (Score 1) 192

Yes. In fact you can find Black Mirror tropes in almost every Sci-Fi show that has a dystopian element. Doctor Who has just about run the whole gamut of them.
There's an entire series, "Upload", inspired by the rare non-dystopic episode San Junipero (although I'm not recommending Upload).
I'm just wondering whether you realized Black Mirror began in 2011. Maybe there are episodes you've missed.

Other great shows in the same genre but not episodic, and also not from 2021, are Orphan Black and Sense8.

Comment 20th century banking meets 21st century greed (Score 1) 99

Are people really still using banks that charge for every fucking thing you do?
There's a new generation of modern banks that specialize in shifting money around. Which is kind of the whole point of money in the first place.
And they do it at very low cost. And the recipient gets every penny of what I pay.

Comment Re:Stealthed Rip-Off (Score 1) 558

That is exactly why draught beer is still sold in pints (even in British/Irish style pubs in the EU). Those who knew full well brewers would rip them off with the smaller half-litre pressured for its preservation.


Pints.UK are not used for any other purpose. They live in a world of their own. No conversion is necessary. A bridge isn't going to collapse because someone used pints. For other consumables, price per kg or per litre should remain an obligatory marking.

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