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Comment Re:are they? (Score 0) 112

Add to that it shows even how immature slashdot is again, writing stuff like "Bhumibol Adulyadej not only likes the delicacy of horse cock but also spends time with the sheep and goats in one huge farm orgy." down in the discussion, while he has nothing to do with it and might even be against those laws (but he has no power to do anything about them). Oh well.

Comment Re:are they? (Score 0) 112

Well, it's not like he wrote those laws. They were written by the government, aka people. In fact, the king himself has freed people who have insulted him from jail. It's completely different situation from something like North Korea or China. And yes, having lived there, I think the people do genuinely respect him.

And when I was living in Thailand back when the red shirt thing was going on fully, it was actually quite interesting to see that there were some foreigners who took part in it. Foreigners, who clearly had no understanding how the thai culture and people work, and they tried to be as loud as possible. In my opinion you should leave internal things for their own countries to handle. You are there as a guest, not because you want to spend your extra energy on issues you know nothing about.

Comment Re:Fuck the monarchy (Score 0) 112

Considering that Thailand is supposed to be a Constitutional Monarchy, I find it even more disturbing that this shit is happening. So, others are acting in the king's name, eh?

Yes, the general population is. Everyone in Thailand highly respects and loves the king. If you insult the king, even alone with a thai, you will be really rude. It's not because the law says you should not insult the king, it's because everyone has such a high respect for him. You will most likely get your ass kicked from the general population if you go around insulting the king.

Comment Re:are they? (Score 4, Informative) 112

In Thailand everyone has very high respect for the king. Practically every business has his picture on the wall and he is celebrated many times of year. And it's not just made up stuff, the people really do love and respect him. That's why, for example, if you drop a coin you should never stop it with your foot because that would make you stomp on the kings picture and it will be considered really rude by everyone who sees it. With so much respect from all the people, I don't think there is anything the king can do for it to be really insulting. Not that I think he would ever try.

That being said, the king almost never takes part in any political issue. It's for the government to handle, not the king. That's why neither side, not even the red shirts, will insult the king. He doesn't have any part in it and despite the internal conflicts, everyone loves the king. If someone really is insulting him, it's not for political reasons and hence can't be censoring political speech either.

Comment Google (Score 0) 68

The API will be able to use historical driving data and turn it into real time predictions, such as where a driver is headed at the time of a departure.

It's nice to see Google open up data that was previously only used internally within Google.

Comment Re:I'm confused. (Score 1, Insightful) 237

Oh grow up. Now that they helped customers in an issue that wasn't related to them at all and really wasn't such a big deal, you can't even take back your words and admit they did a good job. I'm pretty sure comcast has some clever slashdotters working for them too, just like I'm quite sure out of 80k Microsoft staff and out of 25k Google staff some of them most likely hang around here. If you can't even admit your mistakes, at least thank the likely fellow slashdotter who probably helped getting it working while you did exactly what now?

Comment Non-story (Score 4, Insightful) 102

Ah, more submissions from Andy Smith. Just like last time it's completely off. TwitPic is not "planning to sell users' photos", it's just adding a clause in TOS that they have the right to them too. Just like YouTube and tons of other user content sites. In nowhere they state they plan to sell them, but Andy again twisted it like that.

You know what, if you intent to sell your photos yourself and have full copyright on them, what about not uploading them all around the internet and giving them right to use them?

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