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Journal Journal: Hacker's Handheld, part IX (suplemental)

Success! I got the kernel to compile: all it took was a the right configuration options and a bit of manual fiddling (I needed to recompile mm/filemap.o to fix a mess of undefined references). After you've applied the Sharp patches for the LH79520 and LH7A400, you should be be good to go. If you run into probelms, however, the best advice I can offer is: 1) only select the configuration options you absolutely must have and 2) use the FastFPE rather than NWFPE (NWFPE didn't seem to comp


Journal Journal: Hacker's Handheld, Part IX

Not much new to report: I've been pretty busy with other things for the past few weekends, so I haven't had lots of time to devote to the project. I did get a Linux kernel that is supposed to work with the Cogent board (directly from Sharp), or, at least, with the MCU on the board (I can dummy up a driver for anything that doesn't already have something in the kernel tree). I've tried to compile the kernel a couple of times so far, with no real s


Journal Journal: Hacker's Handheld, part VIII suplemental

Well, I figured out what was wrong with minicom: the default configuration referred to various upload/download utilities that didn't exist in the locations the configuration referenced. Some of them (sx/rx) didn't exist at all, others (ascii-xfr) were just in other places (/usr/local/bin instead of /usr/bin). So, off I went in search of the XModem/YModem/ZModem transfer commands (which don't appear to be in my Linux installation).


Journal Journal: Hacker's Handheld, part VIII

We got clobbered by hurricane Irene (if you heard on the news that there were 6000 people still wihtout power a week after the hurricane, we were two of those people.) so I haven't touched the project for about a week. When I was able to get back to it, I had to regain my bearings.


Journal Journal: Hacker's Handheld, Part VII

I've gotten a lot of really good advice from friends, both about the project and about the prospective business concerns surrounding it. Here is an ad-hoc redux:


Journal Journal: Hacker's Handheld, part VI

I've got the LCD and SBC that I ordered. There was a slight delay on the SBC, due to a miscommunication between the reseller, Microcross, and Cogent, but the reseller was very nice, once I infromed them of the problem, and overnighted the package to me at no extra charge.


Journal Journal: Hacker's Handheld, Part III

Ok, it's been quite a while since the last entry, here is the status:
  • The LCD that I was interested in is outside my price range, so I'll have to rethink that. This is a potential deal breaker, but, fortunately, it is also off the table for the moment, because:
  • I looked at a number of COTS boards, but they all cost too much to fit in my target price, so I decided that I had to design the board myself. I have found a number of

Journal Journal: Hacker's Handheld - Part II

Ok, it's been a few weeks since my last entry, and I've been a busy boy: First, I've done a fair amount more research, read a bunch of data-sheets and technical notes, and scoped out a few suppliers. The hackers handheld is looking more and more do-able, the only remaining questions are price and demand (which are, to a large degree, linked quantities).

Here are the results of my research so far:

User Journal

Journal Journal: one neat web page

I don't quite remember how I found this site, (probably linked to from a /. article, but it's already rolled off the end of short term memory and into oblivion) but I really like it: The War Against Silence. Maybe it's just 'cause this guy has a 'tude, or maybe it's because he likes OS X (with a 'tude, no less). Whatever the reason, after reading only half of one article, I'm hooked.

User Journal

Journal Journal: More on Hue/ Hanoi/ Halong Bay

Originally posted January 14, 2003:

We arrived on Saturday in Hanoi and took a 2 day tour of Halong Bay. Eventhough we had thought we had enough time in Vietnam, we found the trip was far too short. Jeffrey decided to cancel our trip to Ankor Wat so we could stay in Vietnam.

More on Hue

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Journal Journal: Marble Mountains/Trip to Hue

Sorry, again we lost the ability to log into Slashdot while in Vietnam. This log was originally post January 10, 2003.
On our last day in Hoi An we took a trip to the Marble Mountains via taxi. The mountains were once a chain of five marble islets that were submerged under water, now they loom poetically over the landscape. They are named for the five elements that the Vietnamese thought made up the world: earth, fire, water, metal and wood. If you have time and you are on the Central Coas

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