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Comment Re:I have (Score 3, Informative) 322

If you need root for these things, you may as well just grab a custom ROM to go along with it which has CIQ removed (well, most devs remove it anyway). I know my Sensation third-party ROM (ARHD 4.1.x) doesn't have CIQ anywhere in it, I've checked.
After all, flashing a ROM after rooting is a really small step in terms of difficulty and then you're totally free of CIQ.

Comment Re:Define professionals? (Score 1) 556

Exactly. The RDF kicked into overdrive because that's what he did- he was a salesman. I'm so sick and tired of this "visionary" talk- he sold computers. He was really damned good at it, but at the end of the day, his job was to convince people to part with money. If that means making a U-turn on how good Intel CPUs are, then that's what'll be done while shifting the focus from "it's a supercomputer!" (lol) to "a better experience".

Comment Re:Ya right (Score 1) 193

Actually their drivers still have stupid issues. I have a 5770, Windows 7 x64 and two screens. If I run a game in windowed-maximised (such as SC2) on one of the screens, then load up a YouTube clip on the other, the driver thinks it's running in 2D mode and downclocks the GPU. It's a completely absurd bug, and, IIRC, still not fixed.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
