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Comment Re:Guild Wars 2 (Score 1) 951

It's not P2W by any stretch of the imagination. It's P2LookPretty and P2PlayCertainPvPModes. Call me when they start requiring RL money monthly to maintain the items you spent a few thousand dollars on already.

It's not a WoW clone either - not any more than any MMO could be a clone of other MMOs, anyway. Quest system is different (not for the better, IMO,) game plays differently, mechanics are as different as they could possibly get for a MMO. It's just a different game.

It's not a good game, though. It's dreadfully boring to play and aimless unless you just intend on doing PvP and even then, PvP in all of its incarnations in GW2 is a zerg fest EXCEPT for structured, tournament PvP.

Comment Re:Really? Woz? (Score 4, Informative) 333

Excel was actually always an in-house Microsoft thing. Originally it was called Multiplan and was actually very popular for a while. Like the poster mentioning Word, it's a contemporary of its main competition, not a copy.

IE was originally a licensed and rebranded version of one of the old mosaic browsers. I'm sure the name is on the wiki somewhere, but it was definitely not attempting to clone what would be the Gecko engine.

The fact is, Microsoft has always tried to compete, not copy. They've tried to do things better than the competition and not exactly like it. Like any company, they've had their share of failures and successes, but it's DEFINITELY not fair to say Microsoft has been riding the coattails of anybody - especially not in the modern day where its success was mostly through buyouts of very successful, good pieces of software. Every large company does this.

None of this, however, hides the fact that the Metro interface is awful for desktops and trying to force it on the desktop in order to force users to use their app store is and already has sewn some seeds of contempt. Microsoft is definitely making a HUGE gamble on this and arguably a mistake as well.

Comment Re:Let's hope Steam on Linux gathers... steam (Score 1) 553

I have some bad news: your anecdotal evidence doesn't reflect the rest of the world. Your friends are your friends and thus are more likely to have similar opinions as you. The fact they use Linux as their desktop OS is not surprising. One could easily push family members to do this as well - especially if said family members only ever do most of their work through a web browser. I'm fairly certain I could change over a few of my family members to use Linux Mint or Ubuntu and they wouldn't really know the difference... until they start asking why a specific program they once used in the past isn't there/won't install anymore... or why the new printer they just bought doesn't work... etc.

Try asking some of your non-technical coworkers what they use at home. Ask acquaintances you talk to, but wouldn't consider friends what they use. Ask the ones that don't use a Linux distro (I'd wager most, if not all, of them) why they don't. You'll probably get answers ranging from 'I don't know how' to 'I'd rather run all of the things I use on a daily basis without hassle.' Those aren't bad reasons to use a platform at all. Blind dislike for a company that puts out an obviously usable and popular product just because you think you're the better man for running OSS is a bad reason. Wasn't a good chunk of the argument against Gnome 3 and Unity that there was no good reason to change what's already been proven to work? Funny how that works.

I'm not an anti-Linux-on-desktops zealot at all. I'm just pro-reality: Windows and OSX are the better desktop OSes because they're designed to be and were designed to be right from the ground up. Newer desktop friendly (and mostly Debian-derived) distributions of Linux have certainly come a long way, but they're just not able to compete with the simplicity of Windows or OSX. Anyone who's chosen either platform is already familiar with the desktop and all of the software they use. It's simply a case of 'don't fix what isn't broken.' The only compelling reason to use Linux over either platform at this point is ethos which, when you're trying to get real work done, just isn't good enough.

Comment Re:Let's hope Steam on Linux gathers... steam (Score 3, Insightful) 553

Or he can just save himself the trouble and use Acrobat. Try explaining to someone that you extracted images from his PDFs and repackaged them in a OSS-friendly manner. At BEST, he'll go 'that's nice, but could you just give me a PDF please?' At worst (and most likely, honestly,) he'll call you an idiot and stop doing business with you.

Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean it's worth the time or effort. In the long run, the average user will almost always prefer Windows or OSX to any flavor of Linux you throw at him.

Linux fills its niches, but a desktop OS just isn't one of those niches. The primary goal of a desktop OS should be ease of use and compatibility of software. A lot of Linux distributions have come a long way in the former, but the latter is still just not there. Just because there's an 'equivalent' of a piece of software available for a Linux platform doesn't necessarily mean it's actually equal.

Blind zealotry for any platform is stupid because it's just that - a platform. A working environment. Every environment is going to be better at some things than others. There's a reason why multi-booting exists.

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