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Comment It's only 1 packet per second, even at 120 WPM (Score 2) 106

I actually thought of this.
XMPP real-time text is the world's first real time text protocol that encodes key press delays:

So even at 10 keypresses per second, even over a satellite connection (or other high-latency bursty connection), it only needs to transmit 1 packet per second, and the typing comes out naturally.

XEP-0301 (the protocol) is a packetization of typing including typing delays, much like VoIP packetizes short snippets of audio.
Explained in first section in section 6:


Submission + - Real-time text over Jabber/XMPP/Google Talk (realtimetext.org) 1

mdrejhon writes: "Geeks who miss the UNIX 'talk' days, have a new modern savior: XMPP.org has published the new XEP-0301 Real-Time Text standard, which allows streaming text that is continuously transmitted as it is typed or otherwise composed. It allows conversational use of text, where people interactively converse with each other."

Submission + - Hack Plays Theremin Music the Infrared Way (pcworld.com)

An anonymous reader writes: "If you own or have made a Theremin--a musical instrument from the 1920s that uses two sound and pitch antennae to make spooky sounds--its entertainment value can be quite limited. However, add some LEDs and an infrared sensor, and you are left with an instrument which has improved pitch depth and looks impressive with in the dark. Oh, and you can control it by waving your hand."

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