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Comment Re:What else is in it? (Score 1, Funny) 181

You missed the question. I’ll quote Al here:

Kelly enters in her waitress outfit and hangs up her coat.
KELLY) Daddy, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.
AL) Oh, Pumpkin, that can't be! The horror with the scope here [looks over at Peggy] says "Good luck's a-comin'"!
KELLY) The Health Inspector's closing down the diner for two days.
PEGGY) Well, that's not so bad.
KELLY) Then they're tearing it down. [sits on couch] Can you believe it? I'm unemployed. And it's all because of those stupid raisin cookies.
AL) What, the raisin cookies you were getting me free everyday?
KELLY) Yeah. You know, it turns out that only half the raisins were actually raisins.
Al looks at her.
AL) Well, what was the other half!?
KELLY) Oh, believe me, Daddy, you do not want to know!
Al makes a oh-fuck-no face.
KELLY) Oh well. I guess I'm out of a J-O-D.
AL) Oh well, I guess you won't have enough money to move O-U-L.
KELLY) Not necessarily. It seems that one of people at the extermination company whichdeloused me, remembered me as the Verminator a couple of years ago and want me to be their new local mascot. Now, here's the part that's important to you, Dad.
AL)You're going to tell me what the other half of those raisins were??
KELLY) Can't, Daddy. The guys at the Atomic Energy Commission said that mom's the word on this one. [Al makes a horrified going-crazy face] But the good news is, I'll be making more money than I did at the diner and will be able to move out sooner than I thought! Well, I better get busy. I'm under court order to burn this uniform.

So: What are the other 99 pounds?

Comment It's the story of the leader and his sheep. (Score 1) 539

Obviously the media mafia says yes. It’s like when some senator said that we should let companies decide which amount of taxes they should pay. As Jon Steward did put it: "Weeel... let me see... it is rouuuund (*draws a circle in the air with his finger*)... and it has a hooole in the middle...".

Fact is: If you ask someone else what you "should" do, they will tell you what they want to have. Duh.
What is good for you, is to ask what's in it for you. This includes those that you care for.

In my case,
I care for me and my friends... and free music is best for them...
and for great artists... and maximum rewards is best for them.
In no case is the media reproduction and artist extortion mafia even related to those that I care for.
(Then give much of that to artists so they can make free music for me and my friends.)

Comment Re:Mark this one for the history books, folks. (Score 1) 183

Well, if you watched the actual NHK live feed, you would have seen that actually, the flooding knocked the tanks for the fuel over. Big standing-tube like white tanks. Two per reactor. They were completely gone after the wave.
That’s the real actual cause of all the problems. The tanks were unprotected, since nobody assumed such a huge wave (7 meters!) with such a immense power (Remember that those waves, when on the open sea, are 1m high but 150 km long, going at 500-1000 km/h! This then "piles up" on the shore.)

Of course, if the reactors hadn’t been shut down in the first place, the tanks would not have been needed. But who in his right mind would have let them continue running after a 9.0 quake and facing a huge tsunami?

I would, learning from this, of course put another monster-tsunami-safe casing around the tanks, but separate from the reactor, in case the tanks catch fire. (I guess that’s why they weren’t inside the building.)
But obviously, you can’t prepare for events that you don’t predict. So if something happens that can still wreck this, my change would still be moot.

In the face of solar thermal power plants and pumped-storage hydroelectric systems (for 24 h all-season energy), which only need abundant materials, are cheap and easy to repair, and even are good for nature since the mirrors allow water to condense, which causes a whole ecosystem to develop in the previously dead desert below them, I don’t think nuclear power plants are that bad of an idea they have just become pointless. :)

Comment Re:Mark this one for the history books, folks. (Score 1) 183

Put a hardened repeater-like device on a parachute, and drop it out of a helicopter. If you put it on a wire, and put some weight below it, you can fly pretty high without risking dropping it at the wrong place.
Or wait just put the repeater right on the robot. I bet you can even connect it to its Ethernet port.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 0) 515

They will be prosecuted over this crap.

By who, you ask?

Well... if you have any balls/spine to follow through with what you think should happen, you will be the first to rise, and walk the walk. :)

If not, then please donâ(TM)t say it in the first place. Nobody will hate you for it. There are bigger problems in our lives. :)

Comment But Wikipedia opposes academic principles (Score 1) 385

Don’t get me wrong. My arguments do not contain attacks of any person or group. I also don’t care at all about how I or others feel about things. I’m simply looking at the things I observed and the logical conclusions I have to make from that.
I may be missing information. I may have made an error in my logic. And I’m grateful for any corrections. But until I get them, this is what I conclude:

  • They say "no original research". So correct me if I’m wrong, but I understand that that means you can not use logical reasoning to come up with new knowledge. Instead it has to come from somewhere else. Logically:
  • They also say "citation needed". Otherwise there would be no source of knowledge left. Again, correct me if I’m wrong, but from my experience, this seems to mean, that you are forced to do a appeal to authority. Meaning survival of content is required to rely on a fallacy of defective induction. Making it inherently unacceptable for scientists relying on the scientific principle.
  • And finally, the last word on what is defined as a trustworthy authority, is controlled by the people who control the server. And since those people have their own views (as we all do), and some of those people and views will oppose what we deem as neutral and correct, based on our observations and logic, we will have situations of disagreement. Which will be "resolved" by the ones who have the last word.


Comment Hasn’t anybody noticed the Es? (Score 1) 466

Nearly every letter ends in E. Many even in SE or TE. CBE and BE are also not rare in the first one.
There is also a distinct shortage of certain letters for most of the text.
Numbers are generally unencrypted. There’s even a ½ in there.

I can not imagine why a simple statistical analysis (or even better: generic parallel pattern recognition, like with a neural net that’s big enough) wouldn’t render something useful for this text. It’s full of patterns.

But remember: There are mental diseases, which make you think you say or write something that makes sense, while actually it doesn’t. Like those people using only normal words, and even grammar, but constructing sentences that make absolutely no sense.

And you know what they say: If you interpret long enough, you will always come up with something that makes the sense you want. :)

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