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Comment Ridiculous (Score 1) 408

Yeah, before all those search engines I was confronted with all sorts of opinions. Socialist and capitalist, religiuous and atheist. I talked to Chinese as well as Americans and Africans, who came travelling by at my doorstep, and I had teachers with a plethora of different ideological viewpoints as well as many different foster parents each providing new perspectives.

Then came google and cut me off from all those viewpoints.

Typical TED.

Comment Re:I'm bombarded.... (Score 1) 408

A couple of points:

Sure, in countries such as Germany, Italy and The Netherlands you see parties which are closer to their idiologic roots than in the US. But in the UK that's not the case:

What are you talking about?

The ideological difference between the republicans and the democrats in the US is *huge* compared to Germany, and it's getting larger and larger with the rise of the Tea Party. In Germany, you don't have to bother to vote: I really doesn't matter who wins.

Comment Re:Which is why education is important (Score 1) 172

This is why the dumbing-down of our educational system is so tragic.

I think it's fantastic.

As long as students are taught something, however irrelevant, no one complains.

But if it becomes plain and obvious for everyone to see that it's nothing but malice that sends students to schools were learning isn't even a goal anymore, time will come where there is an end to this farce.

Comment Behold Steve Ballmer (Score 1) 289

Please. You really have no idea how the industry works, and why some companies thrive and some die. I'll give you a hint, there's one reason, and one reason only that tech companies die.

You're right, but there are many things that contribute to whether one's able to provide what customer's want.

One thing that many competitors are lacking is described in Steve Ballmer's eternal wisdom:

We keep working and working and working and working [...], and we keep coming and coming [...] and kept after and kept after [...], and coming and coming and coming and coming [...]


Yes, it's funny, and yes, that's what they do better than others.

Comment Think big (Score 1) 289

[list of FOSS projects]

As others pointed out, none of those are both innovative and not government-funded.

Can you name one technology that Microsoft innovated?

Microsoft invented Ajax by putting in the non-standard XmlHttpRequest stuff.

People got very upset about it, but in the end it created a mind shift from the www being about content to the www being about applications. I repeat: The "Internet Explorer 5" contained the most important innovation in browser history.

More importantly: .NET

Microsoft is a large company. They usually don't invent a genious new algorithm or user interface or some such - these are things that *small* companies do and then they get bought or copied.

Microsoft innovates by merging many old independent technologies into one, coherent one.

Today, you have MS office bindings from a purely functional language.

And can use the same compiled code in a web browser as well as on a windows phone as well as on a server.

And use a language that is almost as powerful as C++ while being as easy to write and understand as Java.

And design you UI in Blend and have a coder open the same project in VS.

And do the last thing in a browser (Silverlight) or desktop application with little difference.

If that's not innovation, then you don't think big enough.

Thank goodness that MS wasn't destroyed.

Comment .NET - would we have it? (Score 1) 289

Did tech innovation suffer over the last 10 years because Microsoft wasn't broken up?

It would have suffered if they did.

There is a bag of technologies that consist of a virtual machine flexible enough to compile C to (albeit with security compromises), as well as a bunch of other languages (without such compromises). One of them makes it the first purely-functional language to have bindings to an API that makes it actually be usable for something.

The virtual machine can be hosted on desktops, servers, webbrowers and windows phone (Silverlight) and within SQL server (!) (stored procedures).

In particular, it's the also only technology to allow a browser application to share compiled (!) code with it's server component, as well as sharing (uncompiled) UI code with a desktop or phone implementation.

That's about the technologies itself, not the tools for them.

Microsoft is the most innovative of the large IT companies, and by a long, long way. If it was split up, would someone else have made .NET? I think not.

The Microsoft of 15 years ago could be righteously denounced by people who's horizon was limited to the technical side of things (nerds), but to denounce it today is letting your hatred defeat your love of progress.

Comment Re:Greentards will say anything (Score 1) 280

We won't accomplish anything *together*, because we can't agree (as a nation or mankind even).

Mankind obviously achieves much more than ever, just not together.

There's plenty of moderates, both in the sense of having no opinion and having a strong opinion between the poles.

What you're missing is the *absence* of the poles: You want the "extremism" to go away. Or to put it in less nice words, you want conformism.

Comment Re:RMS was right all along (Score 1) 190

People enter into these disgusting one sided contracts multiple times per day [...]

Maybe facebook and other popular content sites have something to offer that a self-hosted site doesn't provide. Better SEO/coverage for example.

In that light, the contracts aren't single-sided (note that the "customers" usually don't pay). That's neither stupid nor disgusting.

Then you run crying to the politicians because now you need [...]

That's very wise, but is this a RMS attitude? Never heard him talk like that.

And also, *this* is where it gets disgusting and stupid (although this doesn't apply to the OP's blogger).

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