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Comment Re:Queue . . . (Score 1) 542

You can control your HFCS intake in America. Sure, it's not an easy transition to make, but The Primal Blueprint (http://www.amazon.com/Primal-Blueprint-Reprogram-effortless-boundless/dp/0982207700) which gives guidelines for eating along a paleolithic diet, has been in top ten best selling in the Diet category for a while. The paleolithic movement has a significant amount of followers in America, and is still growing rapidly. The paleo diet also has a much lower level of recidivism than other diets, because unlike other diets, the paleo diet actually works - you feel way better than you would on other diet.

The fact that HFCS is so prevalent in bread in America is ridiculous. It's going to completely fuck-up your taste buds, and desensitive you so much that even what were traditionally sweet foods will taste bland and flavourless. But eating bread to begin with is fairly ridiculous, since it's such a poor source of nutrients and is so poorly digestable by humans. The only animals in nature that eat grains are birds. Yet humans have made it "healthy staple" of our diet. It makes no sense.

Comment Re:It's all about the fiber (Score 2, Interesting) 542

Yes, we have made small evolutionary changes to adapt to increased carbohydrate consupmtion, such as preserving the enzyme for digesting lactose beyond the age of 3. But biologically, these are small changes. Changes such as how the liver operates or how energy is used at the cellular level, are most likely the same as they were 10,000 years ago before the agricultural revolution. Carbohydrates tend to be a more difficult form of energy to process biologically than protein or fat - sugars can bind to unwanted areas of an organism (advanced glycation end products). A study done last year for example showed that c. elegans worms had a 20% reduced lifespan on a glucose high diet.

Comment Re:Biofuels (Score 1) 355

Except the land is purposefully being allowed to be fallow to slow the erosion of top soil. Top soil is eroding 10 times faster than it's being replaced in the US right now, it replenishes very slowly, and when it's gone the land becomes desert. Modern agricultural practices are already depleting the land at rate that will leave the earth with massive famine and be massively inhospitable.


Comment Re:Cool story bro (Score 4, Insightful) 420

Yeah, OK. Or I can take a nearly-free multi-vitamin which is like eating my fill of every fruit and vegetable on the face of the planet, instantly, and with a net zero calories which I can spend later on the tastier cola (or to be frugal, water).

A multi-vitamin and a sugary drink (or water) is not even close to the equivalent to eating your fill of fruits and veggies. Yes, you will meet or exceed your bodies vitamin and mineral requirements, but you'll be completely lacking in phytonutrients, fiber, fatty acids and anti-oxidants. The human body requires a lot more than just vitamins, minerals and simple carbohydrates!

Comment Fosomax is crazy stuff (Score 4, Interesting) 213

Fosomax is a crazy drug, it stops bone turnover and in some cases has lead to patients having to have their jaw bone removed. That's nasty!

    Raisor was told her jaw bone was going to end up in a bucket. "They took some out, took some out, kept taking more out," Raisor said.

    They tried to save what they could. They used a metal plate for reinforcement.

    It didn't work.


Comment Re:Evolution versus artificial modification (Score 4, Interesting) 369

The toothbrush has only been in widespread use for the last few hundered years, so evolution has already had it's chance to do what it could with humans who didn't brush.

You can't "evolve" past the basic fact that your mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria, and that as that bacteria piles up and dies it's going to create unsightly, disgusting plaque. Well, maybe if humans grew stainless steel teeth -- but that'd be quite the stretch in evolution, since we'd need some kind of organ to act as a smelting and refining and we'd need to digest lots of raw ore ...

Humans have done quite well without the toothbrush in terms of dentistry. Weston Price's work well documented that primitive people's had very low incidences of tooth decay and other dental problems when subsiting on a native diet, and how members of those same cultures who had transitioned to a western diet had much, much higher incidences of tooth decay.

Comment breakfast shake (Score 3, Interesting) 369

From the article, "For breakfast every morning, he concocted a slurry of oatmeal, berries, soy milk, pomegranate juice, flaxseed, almond meal, raw eggs, and protein powder. The goal behind the recipe was efficiency: to rely on âoeone goop you could eat or drink that would have everything you need nutritionally for your brain and body.â He explained, âoeTaste was the last thing on my mind; I wanted to be able to keep it downâ"that was it.â"

I started having a nutritionally complete shake for breakfast every morning - and it rocks! But I wouldn't describe it's taste as something that I have trouble keeping down - instead it's very yummy. The recipe I usually use was designed by nutritionist Sam Graci and is:

  * 1 cup of berries (blueberries, blackberries)

  * 2 scoops of high alpha whey protein

  * 1 tbsp high-quality fish oil

  * 1/2 tsp borage oil

  * 2 tbsps flax seeds and 2 tbsps sesame seeds, ground in a coffee grinder

  * 4-6 tbsps plain low-fat organic yogurt

  * 1 cup rice milk or soy milk

That's the basic recipe, but there are lots of other ingredients you can use to mix it up: hemp protein powder, other fruits (banana, strawberry, kiwi), acai and goji juice, raw eggs.

The basic idea of the breakfast shake is that your bodies metabolism has started to slow down since you haven't eaten since yesterday evening ... you want to have a nice balance of carbs, protein and fat to get your metabolism back in the game. Nutritionally you also want to have lots of omega 3 fatty acids (flax and fish oil) which promotes healthy brain cells and also foods with high anti-oxidant properties to promote healthy blood (berries). Finally the probiotics in the yogurt promote healthy digestion.

Combine the breakfast shake with a daily green drink and a healthy diet of lots of veggies and fruits, and you will notice a marked improvement in overall energy and mental functioning -- I estimated that I could crank out 25% more lines of code after a couple months, and overall my code was of markedly better quality. Plus since your overall mood is better I was about 25% less acerbic in conversations with my co-workers :P

Comment Re:Fighting over the same file (Score 1) 264

Good advice. Although it shouldn't be a rigid rule, sometimes it's a lot of hassle to install your own separate versions of your own stuff's dependencies. Especially for your own stuff which is install more ephemerally, such as development sandboxes.

For example, Mac OS X provides a working OpenLDAP install. You can make LDAP instances from this install into your own stuff, but rely on their openldap binaries. A lot easier than compiling your own version of OpenLDAP.

But then, it would be nice if Apple kept this rule in mind themselves, and had the distinction between, "Core Apple OS stuff" and "Apple Applications stuff". For example, the Apple Python install is pretty useless, you need to use virtualenv to isolate yourself from all the ancient libraries that are in there to support iCal server. It would be much better if Apple shipped a bare bones Perl and a Python w/ standard library only and said, "We aren't going to provide any form of library management, but we also aren't going to pollute the standard library paths with a bunch of half-maintained crap that our own Apple apps happen to depend upon."

Comment The next step? (Score 1) 229

"Once I have a specific idea, what are next steps?"

Refine your idea. Ideas always start vague, they need to be nurtured, rethought, and made even more specific. A good way to do this is TO TELL PEOPLE YOUR IDEA!

OK, I'll start, since I have a great idea: I would like a pony.

Yeah, it's kind of vague - what kind of pony? I'm not a ponyologist and don't know the first thing about ponies so I need to find someone who can help me select the best pony in the world.

Who is going to buy me this pony? I'd really rather not pay for it although I'm willing to part with some spare change.

Where will I put the pony? I've heard you can store them on sourceforge, but that this often results in pony cancer and other nasty pony diseases.

Who is going to feed my pony? I've heard they need to be fed at for at least week, although I good ponyologist probably just needs to feed my pony for a couple of days.

I have already started attempting to develop my idea, so I'll tell you some advice that people have been telling me. I wrote on a piece of paper, "want free pony" and then went down to a busy street corner and started asking strangers to help me and they all gave me the same advice, so I assume it's good ... "GET A JOB!"

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