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Comment Re:Demographic disconnect (Score 3, Interesting) 361

I blame those Japanese minorities, always bringing down our math scores.

Anyway, a rat race of artificial scarcity is a stupid way to run the world. What matters is not that we're the best, but that we're good enough - to maintain nutrition, health and shelter. Everything else can be done at leisure.

Comment Re:bla bla (Score 1) 622

Indeed. They did their dirty work via NATO. The West are too well-managed to recognise an engineered regime change unless GWB spells it out carefully.

I'm hopeful that Libya will experience less hell than Iraq, but I fear that domestic religious fanaticism is going to be used as a tool there too.

I think we're broadly in agreement on what the West shouldn't be doing.

Comment Re:bla bla (Score 1) 622

This reminds me of the pro-US demonstration when Iraq was first occupied.

Actually, I lie. That probably comprised a few dozen genuine hopefuls, while these people's banners suggest fear of American reprisals. Which, looking at the last decade of US foreign policy, is quite understandable.

Comment bla bla (Score 1, Insightful) 622

Cue a hundred posts on how awful Islam is, even though this is just a pretext for more hatred for the Middle East and distraction from the way the elite classes are behaving at home. Cue a dozen people mourning about the loss of another spoilt diplomat who did the nasty government's bidding while hundreds of US soldiers continue to be engaged in unnecessary military activities and civilians continue to either be killed or to die from lack of resources.

Yes, Islam is silly.

Yes, it's just like all dogma in this respect, whether or not accompanied by a sky fairy.

Yes, Mohammed was just some strategically brilliant warmonger with an ego.

But don't allow yourself to be riled up like the desperate fools who are encouraged to violently protest just so their behaviour can be used against them.

Comment Re:And standing next to me is stealing my air (Score 3, Interesting) 203

there are a lot of grown ups out in the world who have looked at IP law in general and, while perhaps accepting that there are occasional absurdities and oddities around the edges that do need to be worked out, have concluded that it is fundamentally good.

Isn't that the very problem the parent was describing? The judiciary should not be concluding that particular laws are fundamentally good, but applying them indifferently.

If nothing else, more law guarantees more work, so an impartial judiciary would not even celebrate the existence of some body of law.

Comment Re:That's strangely sane and oddly normal. (Score 1) 229

if you "fix" your car to let more people ride in it by modifying

A WiFi router is not like a car. It is not a deadly box zooming around at 30+ mph. Its usage is not regulated by licence.

the quick start guide

Never seen a "blaming the victim" section in a manual for a wireless router.

OMFG, requiring that someone either know the law

Ignorance of the law is not being plead, merely its nitwittedness.

Yeah, I hope you hate it, we don't need any more arrogant pricks, we just got rid of Palin to tour the lower 48, and we don't need you coming up to fill the void of ignorance left behi

Hey, thanks for showing me how she managed to get elected in the first place.

You are a dullard. I shall not be reading any further response.

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